Friday, July 4, 2014


On June 26, 2014, our sweet Henry Cole turned TWO.  How is that even possible?!

Enjoying his favorite food, "i-ceam."
Henry, at two, is an absolute joy (most of the time!) and I feel so very fortunate to have such a wonderful, loving, smart, silly boy in my life.  Pretty sure Daddy feels the same.

Every day, I look at this little boy who made me a mama and think that I couldn't love him any more if I tried.  He is the best.  I have moments of anxiety where I feel badly that he's going to have to share my attention with Lima Bean and I worry that our relationship will change, but I know that my heart will only grow larger when she arrives and they won't have to share any of my love.  There is enough of that to go around!  And I know also that we will still have our "Mommy and Henry" favorite things--reading in the glider before naptime and bedtime, trips to McDonalds for pancakes, walks through the neighborhood.  I cherish those moments and memories so much, and I know that Henry does, too.

Happy two years, Henry.  Can't wait to see what this year brings!

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