Sunday, March 25, 2012

Twenty Five Weeks

How far along: 25 weeks as of Tuesday, March 20.
Size of baby: Beansprout is about 13.5 inches long.  He weighs about as much as a rutabaga.  I have no clue what that is or how much one weighs.  Beansprout is beginning to gain some baby fat, so his skin is starting to smooth out.  He is also growing more hair, and its color and texture is now discernable.
Movement: He's still kicking away!  One day this week he scared me by not moving much in the morning, but he got going around noon.  I don't think I'll ever get tired of feeling him move.
Sex of baby: It's a boy!
Sleep: Ok.  I am still waking up multiple times a night, and I sometimes have trouble getting back to sleep.  It's not horrible, though.
What I miss: This week, turkey sandwiches and queso.
Cravings: Sweet things.  I made a cake this weekend, but I only let myself have a couple of pieces.  I'm sending the rest to work with Mark!
Symptoms: Tiredness, leg cramping that feels like growing pains.
What I'm looking forward to: The beginning of the third trimester, which is quickly approaching!  The home stretch is in sight!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Our New Abode!

Mark and I are moving (again, third time in three years) in May!  Our current townhome is a little too small for us, the baby, and the dogs, but more importantly, it's right on a major road, which I didn't want with a baby.  So, we're moving to a lovely little Cape Cod-style home about 3 miles away.

We are both very excited about the house.  The biggest perk, I think, is that it has a fully fenced back yard.  Not only will the dogs love the new places to roam and sniff, but it will be great for Beansprout beginning next spring.  The owners have a child swing attached to a tree in the yard, and I think I'll get one for Beansprout.  We're also going to buy a grill for cookouts, and we may get outdoor speakers.

The other major benefit of this house is that it's in a great neighborhood.  One thing I miss about the South is the lack of true neighborhoods up here--with community centers, playgrounds, and pools.  This neighborhood doesn't have a pool, but it does have a community center, a playground for kids, and walking trails.  I love the sense of community. 

The house has all wood floors, which I was looking for, three bedrooms, and a finished basement.  The only thing missing from my "dream wish list" is a screened porch!  Eventually I'll get one, but for now, I am thrilled that we get to turn this house into Beansprout's first home.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Twenty Four Weeks

How far along: 24 weeks as of Tuesday, March 13, 2012.
Size of baby: Beansprout weighs just over a pound (he has gained 4 ounces since last week!) and is about a foot long, the length of an ear of corn.  His body is beginning to fill out proportionally.  His brain is growing quickly now, and his taste buds are continuing to develop.  His lungs are developing "branches" that will assist in breathing, and they are also continuing to produce surfactant, a substance that helps the air sacs inflate once he's born.  His skin is still thin and translucent, but that will begin to change soon.  Lots of development this week for Beansprout!
Movement: I feel Beansprout every day, some days more than others.  As I said in the last post, Mark felt him move one night this week, which was wonderful.  I don't think I'll ever get tired of feeling him move, so I know he's doing ok.
Sex of baby: Boy!
Sleep: My sleep is beginning to worsen.  I wake up several times a night, and I'm getting uncomfortable with back or hip pain.  I'm fearful of what the next 15 weeks will bring when I'm already uncomfortable!
What I miss: A full night's sleep!  Ha.  I may not get another one for 18+ years.
Cravings: Cereal, spaghetti.
Symptoms: Back pain, fatigue, some heartburn/indigestion.
What I'm looking forward to: Finding a place to live so I can set up Beansprout's nursery.  Hopefully we'll figure it out soon.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

This and That

I bought Beansprout his first toy the other day!  I was on Zulily, a website that offers daily deals, and they had wooden "grow-up" toys on sale.  I'm a big fan of the look of wooden toys.  So I ordered Beansprout a three-in-one toy that transforms from a walker, to a ride-on trike, to a shopping cart.  Here it is:

I think he'll like it!

Also, Mark felt Beansprout kick for the first time the other night.  We were reading him a Dr. Seuss story (I brought back a ton of my childhood books after going home this past weekend), and he was going nuts.  Mark's seen him kick before, but he's never felt it.  It was neat for him to get to feel the movement.

When I was at home for Emily's shower, I received what may be the biggest compliment a pregnant woman can receive: a woman told me I was the "cutest little pregnant woman" she'd ever seen!  For someone who doesn't feel so cute now that I seem to be expanding in places other than my belly, I was thrilled to hear that!

On the way back to Arlington from Raleigh, my dad and I stopped in a Wendy's for lunch.  The cashier asked me if I'm having a boy.  Surprised, I said yes, and asked her what gave it away.  She said I'm carrying low, and boy pregnancies tend to carry lower than girl pregnancies.  I've heard that, but I guess I never really thought about whether it applies to me. 

Weekly post coming soon!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Twenty Three Weeks

How far along: 23 weeks as of March 6, 2012.  I am on top of posting this week!
Size of baby: Beansprout is more than 11 inches long and weighs just over a pound, the size of a large mango.  Blood vessels in his lungs are beginning to prepare for breathing.  His sense of movement is now well-developed, so if I were to dance, he could feel it (not that I dance much, but I suppose I should for his sake, so maybe his sense of rhythm will be better than mine).  Also, he is beginning to hear more and more sounds and is getting used to loud noises.  I know that he can hear a lot more now, because he kicks and moves when the neighbors open their garage door in the morning (which, because of our shoddily-constructed townhouse walls, you can hear as if it were 10 feet away). 
Movement: He's still kicking away.  I admit that once this week, when he wasn't moving like I wanted him to, I had half a glass of caffeinated soda to wake him up.  It worked, but I felt guilty!  Last night, I swear I felt his head.  I felt something that was lump-like and round in my abdomen, and when I pressed it, it quickly moved away.  I then was treated to two giant kicks by Beansprout.  I think I woke him up, and he was none too pleased.
Sex of baby: It's a boy!
Sleep: Ok for the most part.  For the past few nights, I have been waking up a couple of hours earlier than I need to in the morning and having trouble getting back to sleep.  I'm hoping this problem is short-lived.
What I miss: Still soft cheeses and turkey sandwiches.  Also Diet Dr. Pepper. 
Cravings: I haven't really had any this week.
Symptoms: Back pain, fatigue.  Same old.
What I'm looking forward to: Emily's baby shower this weekend.  This will be our kids' first picture together.

Extras: I had my 24 week appointment today.  Everything was great.  Beansprout's heart rate was going strong at 149.  I also had an ultrasound, and there is no indication right now that he is planning to make an early appearance.  My weight has stabilized, and I've only gained 15 pounds.  Thank goodness, because I was shooting up rapidly there for awhile.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Twenty Two Weeks

How far along: 22 weeks as of February 28, 2012.  I'm catching up.  Maybe I'll actually get next week's post up before the weekend.
Size of baby: Beansprout is 11 inches long, the length of a spaghetti squash, and he weighs just under a pound.  Grow, baby, grow!  His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct.  He's also developing tooth buds beneath his gums.  His eyes have formed, but his irises still lack pigment.  I wonder what color his eyes will be??
Movement: He's still kicking in there!  This week I have noticed that some of his stronger kicks actually cause my stomach to move.  It's so cool.  Mark even saw him one morning.
Sex of baby: It's a boy!
Sleep: Fine.  I'm waking up more frequently, and I'm still always tired, but it's nowhere near the level of exhaustion I felt during the first trimester.
What I miss: Soft cheeses and turkey sandwiches.
Cravings: Still on a Mexican food kick.  Hopefully Beansprout is developing an affinity for it, too.
Symptoms: Back pain, although it has gotten a bit better, fatigue.
What I'm looking forward to: I have a doctor's appointment coming up, and I'm looking forward to hearing that all is well that he's growing on track, and that there are no signs of early labor.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Twenty One Weeks

How far along: 21 weeks as of February 21, 2012.  I'm so far behind in posting this, but work has been crazy.  I hope to get the 22 week post up tomorrow.
Size of baby: Beansprout weighs about 12 ounces and is about 10.5 inches long, the length of a carrot!  His eyelids and eyebrows are now present.
Movement: I love feeling him move.  I can feel him every day now; some days he is more active than others.  It's very comforting to know that he's in there and moving around, so he can kick me all he wants!
Sex of baby: Boy!  I am getting pretty excited thinking about what he'll be like and who he'll look like.
Sleep: Fine.  I'm waking up a couple of times a night to go to the bathroom, but I don't feel uncomfortable sleeping.  I actually returned a pregnancy pillow because I found it to be more uncomfortable than just using a regular pillow.
What I miss: Occasionally, a glass of wine, queso dip at Mexican restaurants.
Cravings: Mexican food.  Guacamole, fajitas, salsa, the works (minus the queso!)
Symptoms: The worst right now is back pain.  It can get pretty painful, especially if I do too much around the house.  Last week I cleaned more thoroughly than I typically do before some friends came over, and I paid for it over the next couple of days.  I have found that putting a pillow between my knees when I sleep on my side helps the pain lessen.  I never would have thought that would make a difference, but it does.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting Beansprout!  He needs to hang out for 15 more weeks, though!