Monday, February 20, 2012


Here are some pictures of Beansprout from the twenty week appointment. 

A leg:

Profile with his hand and arm clearly defined:

Another profile (this one shows the heart, which is the black spot in the middle of his chest):

And a tiny little baby foot:

Twenty Weeks

How far along: 20 weeks as of Tuesday, February 14, 2012.  Halfway there!!
Size of baby: Beansprout is about 10 inches long from head to heel (they measure from head to toe now, not just crown to rump!), the size of a banana.  He weighs about 10 1/2 ounces.  He is continuing to practice swallowing, which is good practice for his digestive system.  He's producing meconium, a by-product of digestion.
Movement: I'm still feeling the thumps, which are either kicks or rolls.  They are more frequent now, and Beansprout sometimes responds when I put my hand on my belly by giving me a kick or a punch hello.  I've also felt him kick when I am using the fetal heartrate monitor, which is such a cool feeling.  I found out at my 20-week appointment that I have an anterior placenta, which can mean that I feel less movement than I would if the baby were in front, closest to my abdomen.  I'm still feeling him plenty, though, which is good.
Sex of baby: It's a boy!!  My suspicion was confirmed, and the Hiller tradition of first-born sons continues.
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: Not having back pain!
Cravings: Italian food, Mexican food.
Symptoms: Back pain, which is sometimes pretty bad, fatigue.
What I'm looking forward to: Shopping and planning for a BOY!  When I see little boys on the street or in stores now, I imagine our own son at their ages.  Knowing the sex makes this experience much more real, and I am feeling a greater sense of attachment.  I can call Beansprout by name, which we have pretty much decided on.  There's a chance we may change our minds, but I think it's set.  We'll share with everyone once he's born!

Extras: My mom was here to take my 20 week picture, so Mark was able to be in one.  Here are the parents and Beansprout at 20 weeks:


On Monday night, February 13, we found out who will be coming to live with us in about 20 weeks.  We had my ultrasound appointment that morning.  Beansprout looked perfect!  Perfectly formed brain, heart, spine, kidneys, liver, etc.  And measuring right on target for 20 weeks' gestation.  I was so pleased, and relieved, to hear such good news. 

We had the technician write the sex on a card and put it in an envelope, along with a picture.  We went to Rasika that night for the big reveal.  When the waitress asked if we wanted dessert, I said, "Well, we actually have a request for you," and then launched into the request, asking her to take the envelope and bring back ice cream topped with blueberries for a boy and strawberries for a girl.

I was so excited and full of nervous energy in that five minutes while we were waiting for our dessert.  I have had my suspicions since week eight about who Beansprout is, but this was the real thing!  The waitress brought out a bowl covered with a plate, and I lifted the plate to reveal this:

It's a little hard to see because half of the berries had already been eaten, but they're obviously boy-colored!  I guess Rasika didn't have blueberries, because the ice cream was topped with blackberries.  The waitress brought a flute of champagne for Mark and a flute of ginger ale for me.  It was such a great way to find out! 

Here is the card that was included in the envelope.  I won't show the picture, out of respect for Beansprout's privacy, but trust me, it's a boy!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Nineteen Weeks

How far along: 19 weeks as of February 7, 2012!  Almost halfway there. 
Size of baby: Beansprout is about 6 inches long and weighs about 8.5 ounces, the size of an heirloom tomato!  His arms and legs are in the right proportion to the rest of his body now.  His kidneys are making urine, and hair is sprouting on his scalp!  Also, Beansprout's sensory development is really taking off.  His brain is developing specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.
Movement: Still little pulses a few times a day.  Yesterday he was going nuts in the morning after I drank hot chocolate, I think because of the sugar rush.
Sex of baby: We'll know in five days!!
Sleep: Still fine.  Still always tired, no matter how much sleep I get.
What I miss: Not feeling tired all of the time.
Cravings: Italian food, salty foods.
Symptoms: Fatigue, back ache, some abdominal cramping, but it's not very frequent.
What I'm looking forward to: February 13!  Prayers for a healthy baby, please!

Extras: I am planning to register for some prenatal classes.  We'll take a birthing class at the hospital where we'll deliver, a breastfeeding class (for some reason it's for mom and dad?!), and a baby care class.  Boy, do we need the last one.  Mark asked me yesterday if I can plan on walking the dogs while Beansprout is napping at home.  I thought he was joking until I realized he wasn't.  We have a lot to learn!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Eighteen Weeks

How far along: 18 weeks as of January 31, 2012.
Size of baby: Beansprout is about 5.5 ounces long (about the length of a green pepper), and he weighs about 7 ounces!  He has begun flexing his arms and legs.  His ears are now in their final position!  A protective coating of myelin is forming around his nerves.
Movement: I am still feeling the pulsing movement, and it's more frequent now.  One night this week I even felt Beansprout in the middle of the night.  Sometimes it feels like he's doing flips in there, because I literally feel a wave movement.  It's so cool, and it gives me great reassurance.
Sex of baby: We find out soon!  I had a dream last night that I cheated and opened the card with the sex written on it in the car.  It was a boy!  Can't wait to see if my intuition is right!
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: Soft cheeses and over easy eggs this week!
Cravings: Wendy's spicy chicken sandwiches (so healthy, I know), hummus (better on that front).
Symptoms: My back is starting to hurt, and I've noticed some leg cramps.  I'm trying to drink lots of water, because I heard they can be caused by dehydration. 
What I'm looking forward to: The ultrasound on February 13.  Can't wait!!