Monday, February 20, 2012

Twenty Weeks

How far along: 20 weeks as of Tuesday, February 14, 2012.  Halfway there!!
Size of baby: Beansprout is about 10 inches long from head to heel (they measure from head to toe now, not just crown to rump!), the size of a banana.  He weighs about 10 1/2 ounces.  He is continuing to practice swallowing, which is good practice for his digestive system.  He's producing meconium, a by-product of digestion.
Movement: I'm still feeling the thumps, which are either kicks or rolls.  They are more frequent now, and Beansprout sometimes responds when I put my hand on my belly by giving me a kick or a punch hello.  I've also felt him kick when I am using the fetal heartrate monitor, which is such a cool feeling.  I found out at my 20-week appointment that I have an anterior placenta, which can mean that I feel less movement than I would if the baby were in front, closest to my abdomen.  I'm still feeling him plenty, though, which is good.
Sex of baby: It's a boy!!  My suspicion was confirmed, and the Hiller tradition of first-born sons continues.
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: Not having back pain!
Cravings: Italian food, Mexican food.
Symptoms: Back pain, which is sometimes pretty bad, fatigue.
What I'm looking forward to: Shopping and planning for a BOY!  When I see little boys on the street or in stores now, I imagine our own son at their ages.  Knowing the sex makes this experience much more real, and I am feeling a greater sense of attachment.  I can call Beansprout by name, which we have pretty much decided on.  There's a chance we may change our minds, but I think it's set.  We'll share with everyone once he's born!

Extras: My mom was here to take my 20 week picture, so Mark was able to be in one.  Here are the parents and Beansprout at 20 weeks:

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