Monday, January 30, 2012

Two Weeks From Today...

We will find out who Beansprout is!  I'm so excited I can barely stand it.  I'm also very anxious to know that Beansprout's heart, brain, bones, etc. are all growing as they should be. 

I've been increasing my nursery planning lately.  We'll use the same furniture whether it's a boy or a girl, so we can re-use it later, but the bedding and decor will be unique.  I found an Etsy seller who makes awesome name letters for the wall above the baby's crib, and she makes them in both the colors I have selected for a boy and those I have chosen for a girl.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Seventeen Weeks

How far along: 17 weeks as of January 24, 2012.  Woo hoo, baby bump!  I made no effort to suck it in in this picture, so here it is in all of its glory.
Size of baby: Beansprout is five inches long, and he weighs about five ounces (the size of a turnip).  His skeleton is hardening from cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord is getting stronger and longer.  I read that babies sometimes tug on the cords, so it better be strong!  Beansprout can now move his joints.
Movement: I think I feel Beansprout now.  It doesn't feel like nervous butterflies, like some people have said, but instead it feels like a pulse beating in my abdomen.  I will feel a couple or three beats, and then it stops.  I've never felt this sensation before, so I am chalking it up to the baby.
Sex of the baby: Our new discovery date is Monday, February 13!  As I said in the previous post, we won't find out until that night at dinner, as long as Beansprout doesn't make it too obvious during the ultrasound.  Once we know, we will send out a picture of the dessert with the blueberries or strawberries!  Mark now thinks Beansprout may be a girl.  He told me the other day that he is guessing there's a 35% chance we'll be buying pink rather than blue.  This is new for him, as he's said boy since day one.  I'm still convinced it's a boy.  My aunt and uncle told me they both think it's a girl.  Any other votes??  It actually would end the name wars if we find out it's a girl, since the girl name has been set since before conception (it's been my favorite for years, and poor Mark had no choice in the matter!)  I thought we had a boy name set, but Mark said the other day he's still not sold on it.  If it's a boy, we'll have to kick the name game up a notch.
Sleep: Still fine, although I'm still always tired.
What I miss: Well, this week I attended a work dinner where lots of wine was ordered, and the red wine smelled so good.  I missed red wine that night, but it's a fleeting desire.
Cravings: Food, food, and more food.  I am worried that I'm going to gain 50 pounds!  I have made an effort to eat more healthfully since my last doctor's appointment where I discovered I had gained 10 pounds by week 16.  I still eat when I'm hungry, which is much of the time, but I'm trying to make better choices.
Symptoms: Fatigue, some round ligament pain.
What I'm looking forward to: February 13!  While it will be exciting to find out the sex, I'm more looking forward to knowing that Beansprout is practically perfect in every way, to quote Mary Poppins.

Extras: I got brave and got a flu shot this week.  This has been a huge struggle for me since getting pregnant.  I'm not big on non-vital vaccines, especially those with any traces of mercury in them, and I have never gotten the flu shot before.  However, it's highly recommended for pregnant women to get the vaccine.  I knew I didn't want to risk it until after the first trimester, and I was considering not getting it at all, until I got so sick in Dec./early January.  I knew that if there was a chance of getting the flu, with my immune system so poor, I'd probably get it.  So, with much anxiety and fear, I rolled up my sleeve on Thursday and got the preservative-free shot.  I checked Beansprout's heartbeat yesterday, and he's still going strong in the high 140s/low 150s.  I'll check again tonight.  I am so glad I invested in the doppler monitor!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sigh of Relief

Beansprout is neural-tube defect free!!  I just called my doctor's office to ask about a flu shot, and while I was speaking with a nurse, I thought I'd see if the results were in.  Huge relief! 

Way to go, Beansprout!!

On another note, I rescheduled our twenty-week scan because of a work conflict Mark had.  Now we'll find out a little earlier, on February 13.  My plan is for the technician not to tell us during the scan, but instead to write the sex on a card and put it in a sealed envelope, along with a picture, if she can get a good one.  Then, that night we will go to dinner at Rasika (the place is so good that the only time available is 9:30!) and give them the envelope, asking them to prepare a dessert with either strawberries or blueberries.  When they bring out the dessert, we'll know whether Beansprout is a boy or a girl!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sixteen Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks as of January 17, 2012.  I finally feel like I'm starting to show.  In fact, I'm still able to wear only two pairs of pants, so I have started using the bella band with my jeans to stretch out their wear a little more.  Soon, I think I'll have to resort to maternity pants.
Size of baby: Avocado.  Beansprout is 4.5 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces.  His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes and ears are close to their final position!  His heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood each day.
Movement: I still haven't felt anything.  I'm hoping I will soon, although my doctor told me she didn't feel her daughter until 24 weeks, so I'm trying not to get too anxious.  I also think that because I'm used to stomach pains and have dealt with a finicky stomach my whole life, it may take me longer to be able to distinguish Beansprout's movements.
Sex of the baby: Four more weeks!  I have convinced myself it's a boy, so we'll be in for a shock if it turns out to be a girl!
Sleep: Fine, but I can never get enough of it.
What I miss: Nothing really.
Cravings: Salty comfort food this week, like macaroni and cheese and dips.
Symptoms: I think fatigue will be a constant for me during pregnancy.  I've also started to get round ligament pain from my uterus stretching.  Oh, and the lovely bladder pressure from the uterus sitting right on top of it.  I think that will only get worse as time goes on!
What I'm looking forward to: Hopefully hearing that Beansprout is neural tube defect-free.  We got our bloodwork done this week and should get the results in a week or so.

Extras: I had my 16 week appointment this week.  Everything was fine.  I got to see Dr. Crowther again, and she was reassuring, as always.  Beansprout's heartbeat was 153.  Dr. Crowther also made a note  in my chart that I'm worried about pre-term labor, so they'll check at each appointment to make sure there are no signs that Beansprout is gearing up to come early.

Monday, January 16, 2012

One Month From Today...

We will find out whether the Hiller tradition of first-born sons continues with us, or whether Beansprout here has decided to forge her own path.  We can't wait!  What we really care about is healthy, though; we will be happy with either a football player or a gymnast.

I listened to the heartbeat again this morning.  It was strong and loud, fluctuating between 140-155 or so.  Since Beansprout's sense of hearing is developing, this afternoon I'm going to read him his first book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit.  I need to foster a love of reading as soon as I can!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Practice Makes Perfect

Tom and Lois came over today to spend some time with me, since I've been sick and Mark's been working so much.  They brought the travel system, and Tom took some pictures of the bump.  Oh, and they also brought food!  I'm so lucky to have such great family nearby.

Testing out the stroller on an unwilling participant.  Rowan's ready for Beansprout to arrive so that she doesn't have to be the model anymore.

Beansprout at nearly 16 weeks.

To add to the excitement of the day, Beansprout's armoire arrived!  I spent some time folding the clothes we've bought so far and putting them in the drawers.  And that little lobster outfit hanging on the door?  It's so cute I don't even want to put it away!

Mark keeps commenting that it all seem so much more real now that we have a stroller hanging out in the dining room.  We're going to be parents!

Fifteen Weeks

How far along: 15 weeks as of January 10, 2012.  I took Emily's advice and posted the sign on the fireplace so you can see the bump better.  Horrible picture of me, but oh, well.
Size of baby: Apple.  Beansprout is now about 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces.  He is moving amniotic fluid through his nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in his lungs develop.  His legs are now growing longer than his arms, and he can move all of his joints and limbs!  He can also sense light, even though his eyelids will be fused shut for a few more months.  He's also forming tastebuds!
Movement: Still haven't felt anything.  Hope I will soon!
Sex of the baby: We find out in five weeks!
Sleep: Still fine.
What I miss: Not having to worry about everything I do and its effect on Beansprout. 
Cravings: Maybe I'm past that point in the pregnancy, because I don't find myself craving anything specifically, other than lots of food!
Symptoms: Fatigue, heartburn.
What I'm looking forward to: Next week's doctor's appointment.  We will be testing for neural tube defects, so please pray that that is normal.  I also have a litany of questions for the doctor, since my last visit was a month ago.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Strollin' with my homies!

Couldn't resist the cheesy post title!  We made our second major purchase a couple of weeks ago.  We bought this beauty:

And this to go with it:

I knew that I wanted a lightweight stroller, since I will be the one most commonly lugging it in and out of the car.  I had read great reviews of the Britax car seats, which are supposedly one of the best around safety-wise.  Since the seat fits so well into the Britax B-agile stroller, we went with this system.  You just click the seat into the stroller, and once the baby can sit up on his own, you can just use the stroller. 

What I really like about the stroller, other than the fact that it is lightweight, is that it is streamlined, with the three-wheel design, so it will be easy to maneuver on sidewalks.  It's also capable of being folded with just one hand.  Beansprout will be riding in style!

The funny thing is that we had the system delivered to my aunt and uncle's house, since we live off of a busy street, and I didn't want to take any chances with a possible theft.  Right after we told my family our baby news, I said, "And by the way, you'll be getting a stroller delivered to your house in a couple of days!"  Since my aunt and uncle don't have kids, they'll get to experience a little of the baby-buying experience through us!  Watch out, Lois and Tom, the crib is next ;-)

Fourteen Weeks

How far along: 14 weeks, as of January 3, 2012 (our 15 month anniversary!).  I cheated a little in this picture by pulling on the bottom of the dress so it would be more form-fitting and you can see the "bump" better.  I definitely have bump envy.  I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune in about 5 months when I'm huge and nothing fits, but for now, I want definitive evidence that Beansprout is growing!
Size of baby: Lemon.  Beansprout, who is about 3.5 inches, can now squint, frown, grimace, and possibly suck his thumb!  His brain impulses are causing many facial expressions.  Can't wait to see what those are in a little less than 6 months!  By the end of this week, his arms are in proportion to the rest of his body (his legs are still a little short!).  He is developing lanugo, a fine protective coating over his body that will keep him warm.  His liver starts making bile, and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells.
Movement: Still nothing that I can feel.  Hoping to feel the first little flutters in the next month or so.
Sex of baby: Six more weeks!
Sleep: Fine, although I'm up once or twice a night to use the bathroom.
What I miss: Nothing this week.
Cravings: Really, food in general.  I am always hungry, and everything sounds good!
Symptoms: Fatigue, some abdominal pain.
What I'm looking forward to: Finding out after the 16 week appointment (fingers crossed, prayers accepted) that the baby is healthy and does not have neural tube defects.