Thursday, April 24, 2014

Henry These Days

It's about time I do a long update on Henry.  He is almost 22 months old (two months from two--how did this happen?!) and is at a delightful stage (most of the time, but that's life with a toddler for you).

I'll focus this post on Henry's verbal and physical development, because otherwise the post will become a chapter book.  Next post I'll write about Henry's favorites these days.

Verbal Development:

Probably the biggest development recently has been in Henry's verbal abilities.  At his 15 month appointment, our pediatrician told me that his language would take off around 18 months and that he'd be saying 50 words or more by the time he was two.  I nearly laughed in the poor doctor's face.  I just found it hard to believe that this boy, who spoke maybe 5 words at the time, would be at 50 in 9 months.  But boy, am I eating crow.  Just about at Henry's 18 month birthday, he began saying ALL THE WORDS.  I began a list in January so that I wouldn't forget them.  At the time, the list had about 55 words or so on it.  Now, Henry probably says 100 words, although I have lost count at this point.  Some favorites: helicopter, airplane, slide, playground-fun (two words that are consistently said together), maze, monkey (for his favorite stuffed toy), cycle truck (recycling truck), dump truck, cement truck, fire truck (along with accompanying sound), slam dunk, maybe, oh no (LOVES this one), butterfly, maybe, milk, cashews, raisins, and on and on.  Can you tell the boy loves things that move?!

Henry uses two words together consistently now, and probably more often than he says single words.  He said his first two three word sentences a few weeks ago ("Daddy sit down" and "cupcake cookie maybe?") and his first four word sentence shortly thereafter, to me, at the kitchen table, when we were sitting together (Sit down next me).  Henry uses three word sentences regularly now, although they vary in context so there aren't good examples to list here.  He also says four word sentences in the form of ____ truck, maybe come?  As in: "Fire truck, maybe come?" or "cycle truck maybe come?"

Henry refers to himself as Hehy and has done so for months.  He also uses the pronoun me in reference to himself (for instance, "me help" or the aforementioned "sit down next me" sentence).

Henry calls Mark and me Daddy and Mommy, and began doing this about a month or so ago after transitioning from Dada and Mama.  He calls our nanny, Desiree, "Deses."  Henry knows the names of lots of our immediate family members and loves to name them when he sees them in photos.  There are my parents (Gama and Dago--not sure how he got Dago out of Granddaddy), Mark's parents (Gama and Gandpa), my aunt Lois and uncle Tom (Loises and Tom, or often, "Henri, hahaha," because Tom says this when he sees Henry), my brother, Michael and sister-in-law, Laura (says Michael perfectly, which I find impressive, and Lada), Mark's brother Greg and his wife Linsay (Geg and Lisy), and my grandmother and her companion Dave (Gigi and Dave).  Today he pointed to an advertisement and said, "Dave"--definitely not Dave, but he looked a bit like Dave, so Henry wasn't completely off base!

In terms of other verbal development, Henry knows almost all of the standard colors: red, white, blue, green, yellow, black, orange, pink, purple, brown.  If you ask him what the color of an object is, he will answer with the correct color.  He also will point out objects of a particular color in books when asked.  Henry also can count to ten!  It took a bit for this skill to develop; he used to skip five consistently and then would skip other numbers.  But now he will count to ten correctly in certain contexts, such as climbing up and down stairs or counting objects.  Although he will double count objects--for instance a fork's tongs are counted beyond three and up to six or more.

Physical Development:

Henry has been walking and running for months, so nothing new there.  The biggest recent changes have been in other gross motor skills, namely climbing.  The kid is a climbing fool and can hoist himself onto just about any piece of furniture, including our sofas and dining chairs.  He also can climb ladders on playground equipment, with assistance of course.

The scariest part of this is that we think Henry can climb out of his crib.  A few weeks ago, Mark was standing next to Henry's crib after Henry woke from a nap and Henry lifted his leg to the top of the crib, as if he were going to climb right on out.  He did the same thing a couple of days later for our nanny.  This new skill obviously left us scrambling, because we were not prepared for Henry to be attempting this at 21 months.  We purchased a video monitor with sound immediately so that we would know when he woke up.  We also bought a sleep sack (like a swaddle without the arm wraps) in the hope that it would keep him from being able to spread his legs far enough apart to scale the crib.  The monitor works wonderfully, and because Henry always makes noise upon awakening, we can watch him and get him before he tries any tricky moves.  He LOVES the sleep sack, oddly, but it doesn't restrict his movement.  We are phasing it out because it would just make it more dangerous if he fell while trying to climb out of the crib.  We also purchased a conversion kit to make his crib into a toddler bed.  I was reluctant to do this because the crib is going to be used for Lima Bean, but she won't sleep in it until she's 4 months or so, and by that point Henry will be ready for a twin bed, which we also purchased.  Our next step is to convert the crib.  I have been holding off because I honestly don't think Henry is ready to stay in it at night.  I think he will climb out and help himself to the things in his room.  But, we will probably need to bite the bullet in a couple of weeks.  When we do, we will remove the bookcase from his room so that he can't try to scale it, and make sure his closet is locked.  Ugh--not looking forward to this transition!  Hoping it goes as well as possible.

Henry also can hop, walk along curbs like a balance beam (yay!), and roll.  I think I will sign him up for a movement class soon, and gymnastics once he is old enough.

And, because what's a post without lots of pictures, some recents of our boy.

Playtime with Daddy!

I waited months for Henry to be able to wear this outfit without a shirt underneath.  He wore it once this way and the next time I tried it was too short!  Will have to save it for baby sister.
Henry now smiles on command.  Just about the cutest thing ever.

Lima Bean: Week Twenty Seven

How far along: Twenty Seven weeks as of Wednesday, April 16, 2014. 
Size of baby: Lima Bean is about 14.5 inches from head to heel and weighs about 2 pounds (the weight of a head of cauliflower--and me when I was born!).
Maternity Clothes: Yes--and I bought a few new things this week--a maxi dress to wear to a small shower my aunt is throwing, a new summer top, a bathing suit in case we join a pool or go to the beach (oy vey!), and some shorts.  I will need the shorts this summer when it's 90 degrees and I have to chase after Henry on the playground!
Movement: This girl loves to move.  I will share more of the context in another post, but she does not like to stay still, particularly at night.
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: Deli sandwiches. 
Cravings: Turkey burgers, salads from Sweet Greens.  I had a Sweet Greens salad for the first time this pregnancy this week, and it was amazing.
Symptoms: Back aches, particularly after washing dishes.  Heartburn.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this baby girl in about 2.5 months!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lima Bean: Week Twenty Six

I look HUGE in this photo.  I think it is the dress more than the baby bump, though.

How far along: Twenty Six weeks as of Wednesday, April 9, 2014. 
Size of baby: Lima Bean is about 14 inches from head to heel, the size of a scallion, and weighs about 1 2/3 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Pretty much everything is maternity now, with the exception of some dresses I wear as tunics.
Movement: Lima Bean is a mover and a shaker!
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: A nice glass of white wine!  The weather was nice this week and I would have loved to relax outdoors and sip a glass of wine.  Funny, semi-related story: Mark and I attended a wedding this week.  I sidled up to the bar and asked for a glass of iced tea, after I heard the woman in front of me order one.  The bartender gave me a somewhat odd look, which I didn't really understand (clue #1), but poured the tea into a glass.  I thought it was weird the glass was short, rather than tall and thin, but figured that was all they had (clue #2).  I took a sip and immediately knew this was not your average iced tea!  Nope, I had been served a glass of the "special" tea--i.e. the tea mixed with some kind of strong alcohol!  Because I had not had anything to drink in so long, I could feel the alcohol going to my head and giving me a buzzing feeling.  Whoops.  The drink clearly was discarded and I followed it up with a glass of water.  A sip obviously does no harm to the baby, but I still felt guilty about it.  Sorry, Lima Bean! 
Cravings: Fresh foods--lots of vegetables, etc.  This is a rare healthy craving, so I will take it!
Symptoms: The "side stitch" pain I experienced during Henry's pregnancy is back.  It is on the right side again.  It seems to have lasted a bit longer this time, but even so, it only stuck around for two or three days.
What I'm looking forward to: Enjoying a glass of wine once Lima Bean arrives!

Lima Bean: Week Twenty Five

How far along: Twenty Five weeks as of Wednesday, April 2, 2014. 
Size of baby: Lima Bean is about 13.5 inches from head to heel and weighs about 1.5 pounds (the weight of a rutabaga).
Maternity Clothes: Yes.  I just purchased two pairs of maternity leggings from Old Navy and I am in LOVE.  I need more long tops to go with them!
Movement: Lots of movement, particularly at night.
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: Nothing in particular.
Cravings: Thai food, sweets.
Symptoms: Difficulty breathing.  Interesting because I never had this problem with Henry.  It wasn't that I was out of breath easily, it was more that I felt like I needed to take frequent "deep" breaths to be able to get enough oxygen.  After a couple of days, I was at the point where I was going to call the doctor, but the problem subsided.  Chalking it up to residual stuffiness from being sick along with some spring allergens.
What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the nursery!  The crib sheets and rug have arrived.  The big to do item is painting the room.  Henry will be moving to a larger room a bit farther from the master bedroom, and his current room and furniture will become Lima Bean's.  The room is pink now (poor Henry!) but will become a shade of aqua.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

First Haircut!

After nearly 21 months, we finally took Henry to get his first haircut recently.  It was, frankly, way overdue.  His hair was getting in his eyes and was a tangled mess in the back.  When wet, it was at least three inches or so down his back.  I was beginning to get concerned he would be confused for a little girl.  So, anyway, it was time.

We took him to a children's haircut place.  I had seen it months earlier when we ate at a restaurant in the same shopping area.  After checking out a few online reviews, I decided to give it a go.  And it did not disappoint!  Not only was it adorably decorated, but the staff members were great with Henry and knew what they were doing.  We were impressed.

Henry got to sit in a firetruck for his cut!  He loved the chair.  It had ladders on the side he could pull up and down and a bell on the front he could ring.  Plus, there was a tv over the chair, and for a kid who never gets to watch tv, that was a real treat.

Looking back, his hair looks even longer to me than I remember it being!  You can see the frizz, too.
Beautiful curls.  I knew most of them would disappear with the cut, which was sad.  

Getting ready!

Look how proud he looks!

The tempting bell.  The poor hairdresser had the patience of a saint to cut his hair while he moved all around!

Checking himself out in the mirror.

What a handsome boy!
We will definitely head back to this place for Henry's next cut.  They gave us a souvenir photo and an envelope with a lock of his hair to keep.  I can't wait to show it to Henry when he gets older.

Lima Bean: Week Twenty Four

How far along: Twenty Four weeks as of Wednesday, March 25, 2014. 
Size of baby: Lima Bean is almost a foot long from head to heel (the size of an ear of corn, and she weighs about 1 1/3 pound.
Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans, leggings, and long tops are my go-tos.
Movement: Lima Bean is still doing her gymnastics routine.  I love it!
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Ok, even with a cold.  The congestion makes it a little harder to sleep, but still manageable.
What I miss: The freedom to take cold medications--ha!
Cravings: Soup to help with the cold symptoms.  Mediterranean food.  We discovered a great semi-fast food Mediterranean place here.  It's a fairly healthy option, which is nice.
Symptoms: Well, after my long work week last week, I ended up with a cold this week.  Not surprising, given that pregnancy takes a toll on your immune system.  Still, unpleasant when there are no medications available to ease the symptoms.  The cold wasn't too bad for the first few days, but I started to feel worse on Sunday/Monday.  It seemed as if it were turning into a sinus infection.  Not what I wanted, particularly because I was afraid I'd end up on an antibiotic to get rid of it, like I had to do when pregnant with Henry.  Luckily, it appears that with plenty of rest and working from home, the symptoms are abating and I am feeling better.  Still tired, but much less sick.  Thank goodness. 
What I'm looking forward to: Choosing a middle name for Lima Bean.  Her first name has been set for years (my favorite girl name since I was about 16, and I basically informed Mark years ago that if we ever had a daughter it would be her name.  Poor guy didn't really have an option!).  But the middle name is up for grabs.  I am going through our baby name book and asking Mark his thoughts about various options.  There is one front-runner for now, but it's not set yet. 

Lima Bean: Week Twenty Three

How far along: Twenty Three weeks as of Wednesday, March 19, 2014. 
Size of baby: Lima Bean is more than 11 inches long from head to heel and weighs just over a pound (about as much as a large mango).
Maternity Clothes: Same old, same old.  But Mark's mom surprised me with a lot of new spring and summer maternity clothes recently, which I am so grateful for.  Hoping I can wear them when the weather warms up a bit.
Movement: Lots of movement.  I notice it more at night, more than I ever did with Henry.  Lima Bean even moves in the middle of the night after I take a trip to the bathroom or roll over.  I don't remember Henry being this active at night.  Makes me a little nervous about her sleep habits, not going to lie!  Although Henry didn't sleep through the night until 10 months, so maybe fetal movement patterns don't make much of a difference.
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Finding it a little harder to go back to sleep at times after my frequent bathroom breaks.  But nothing bad at all.
What I miss: Wine would be nice to unwind at night!
Cravings: Chinese food again.  So weird.  But easy enough to satisfy!
Symptoms: Exhaustion.  I had a crazy work week this week and worked way too much.  It really took a toll on me physically.  It didn't help that Mark was out of town for several days.  Luckily for me, my parents were in town and helped me out a ton, watching Henry and cooking dinner.  I don't know what I would have done without them. 
What I'm looking forward to: Taking Henry on some little adventures before Lima Bean arrives.  We are considering traveling to Denver in May to spend a few days.  Mark will be there anyway for a work trip, and I have never been to Colorado, so I thought it might be fun to do a little babymoon.  I need to check with my doctor to see whether I should make the trip at that stage in my pregnancy.  We also want to go into the city to the zoo and some museums when the weather improves.

Lima Bean: Week Twenty Two

How far along: Twenty Two weeks as of Wednesday, March 12, 2014. 
Size of baby: Lima Bean is 11 inches long from head to heel and weighs almost a pound, the size of a spaghetti squash.  She now resembles a miniature newborn, according to the baby growth website!
Maternity Clothes: Still the same.  Mostly maternity pants and a mix of maternity and non-maternity tops.  I am living in my leggings this time, too.  Mostly because other than leggings, the only bottoms I have that really fit are my skinny jeans.  I really need another pair of maternity jeans, especially since there appears to be no end in sight to this long and cold winter.
Movement: Going strong!
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Fine.
What I miss: Having a larger wardrobe--especially pants and dresses-- to choose from!
Cravings: Junk food chips--Doritos, Cheetos, you name it.  Not a good thing to crave.  But I am trying to be judicious in my portion sizes.
Symptoms: Tiredness.
What I'm looking forward to: Spring-like weather.  Please, please, arrive soon!

Lima Bean: Week Twenty One

How far along: Twenty One weeks as of Wednesday, March 5, 2014. 
Size of baby: Lima Bean is about10.5 inches long from head to heel (the size of a carrot), and she weighs about 3/4 lb.
Maternity Clothes: I can still wear two pairs of pants with the belly band, but that's it.  My old maternity jeans are still too big--I am thinking it will be at least a month or more before I can wear them without them falling down.
Movement: Lima Bean is a mover and a shaker, and I love each and every movement.
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Fine.  Not having any back or hip pain.
What I miss: Deli sandwiches.
Cravings: Remington Grill sandwiches.  Too bad I can't have them! 
Symptoms: Mostly just tired.  My skin has cleared up for the most part (knock on wood).
What I'm looking forward to: Having two children and seeing them interact!