Friday, December 30, 2011

Thirteen Weeks

How far along: 13 weeks as of December 27, 2011.
Size of baby: Medium shrimp.  As of this week, fingerprints have formed on Beansprout's fingertips.  The veins and organs are clearly visible through his skin.  His body is starting to catch up with his head, which is now just a third of his body size.  Beansprout is about three inches long.
Movement: Still none that I can feel.  I did purchase a fetal heart rate monitor, and we have been able to listen to Beansprout's heartbeat a couple of times.  It is a little anxiety-invoking each time I use the monitor, because you have to search for the baby, but when you do find the heartbeat it's so cool to hear.
Sex of baby: We have a date to find out: February 16!  Counting down!
Sleep: Fine.  I'm still pretty tired, so I fall asleep easily.
What I miss: Not much this week.
Cravings: Chocolate milk.  I'm definitely on a milk kick during this pregnancy.
Symptoms: Fatigue, but it is better than before.
What I'm looking forward to: Just progressing well in the pregnancy, and knowing that with each passing week, we're closer to meeting Beansprout!  He needs to hang around for at least 23 more weeks, though; I do not need a repeat of my own early arrival!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy Holidays!

I had been looking forward to Christmas this year for weeks.  I had decided to wait to share the baby news with my grandmothers, aunts, uncles, and cousin until Christmas, as a fun surprise.  I broke the news by giving them cards from the baby and telling them that I had not gotten the chance to send them their holiday cards.  Beansprout gave each person a card, and inside was the "Happy Holidays" ultrasound picture and a little poem I wrote from the baby.  The reactions were priceless! 

My mom's sister, my aunt Lois, knew right away.  Her jaw dropped, and she was speechless for a minute.  Then she started crying and came over to hug me.  It was so sweet.  Meanwhile, my grandmother and my uncle Tom had no clue what they were looking at.  I believe my grandmother's words were, "What is this supposed to be?"  Ha.  I'm not sure she's ever seen an ultrasound.  She got it after we told her to read the card, which was addressed to 'Great-Grandma.'

My dad's sister, my aunt Missy, had a similar reaction to Lois.  Her jaw dropped, too, and she had to cover her face so my grandmother couldn't see her reaction!  My nana took a minute, but then realized what she was looking at.  They were both thrilled, as well.

It was such a fun way to tell people.  I was glad that I waited, rather then telling them earlier without everyone there to witness it.  Beansprout is lucky to have so many people who already love him/her!  I can't wait until next Christmas, when we will have a six month old crawling around.

Twelve Weeks!

How far along: 12 weeks as of December 20, 2011!
Size of baby: Lime.  That seems so substantial (and is validated by the fact that I can still wear only about two pairs of pants)!  Beansprout's reflexes are developing this week.  His fingers begin to open and close, his toes curl, his eye muscles clench, and his mouth makes sucking movements.  Apparently, if you prod my abdomen, he will squirm away in response!  His intestines begin to move into the abdominal cavity, and his kidneys begin producing urine. 
Movement: Still can't feel anything.  I think it will be a month or so.
Sex of baby: We'll find out in about seven weeks!
Sleep: Still fine. 
What I miss: Well, with having a miserable cold this week, I miss being able to take medicine!  I was limited to tylenol (and I limited myself to one a day, only when my temperature reached 99) and ricola cough drops.  It was awful, and it lasted longer than it would have otherwise.  Crossing my fingers that I won't get sick again during this pregnancy.  Still debating about the flu shot.
Cravings: Well, I had a dream--apparently weird dreams are more common during pregnancy?-- in which I was eating cheese doodles.  I woke up and asked Mark to get me some.  I can't remember the last time I ate those.  It's so strange what I have craved. 
Symptoms: Just fatigue, which has been worse with the cold.
What I'm looking forward to: The end of the first trimester and the beginning of what is supposed to be the best trimester. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Eleven Weeks

Better Late than Never Disclaimer:  This picture actually was taken closer to 12 weeks, so it's not entirely accurate of Beansprout at 11 weeks!  Also, it was taken on the first day of a cold, so I am feeling pretty awful and looking like I feel.

How far along: 11 weeks as of December 13, 2011.
Size of baby: Fig.  Beansprout is now almost fully formed.  His hands are beginning to open and close, forming fists, and his bones are hardening.  He is kicking and stretching up a storm this week (and we saw proof during the ultrasound!)
Movement: Nothing I can feel yet.
Sex of baby: Likely boy, although I fluctuate in my intuition.
Sleep: Continues to be fine, after a couple of weeks ago, where it was awful.  I even slept soundly the night before my first deposition, when I thought I'd be tossing and turning!
What I miss: Not much right now.  Maybe not being so limited in the foods I can eat. 
Cravings: Food in general, although I've started craving protein.  I normally don't care much for meat, so I know this is baby talking.
Symptoms: The fatigue seems to be a little worse than it was in the past couple of weeks.  I think this may be due to the fact that I was off kilter a bit from traveling to the deposition and working late to prepare for it.
What I'm looking forward to: Hitting the 12 week mark, where the risk of miscarriage decreases!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Survey says...

It's a boy!!  We did the oh-so-scientific Intelligender test today.  The results were clear: Beansprout is a boy!  However, the reliability of this test is questionable.  When we had our ultrasound on December 16, the technician said that the Intelligender test tends to tell people they're having boys, whether they are or not.  So, we're not putting too much stock in the Intelligender method of sex prediction. 

Also, last night I had a dream that I did the test and it said girl, so it looks like my instincts are mixed about who this baby is.  Looks like we'll have to wait until February to know if we're buying pink or blue.

It's beginning to look a lot like a baby...

Beansprout has grown so much in the past three weeks!  We had our nuchal translucency scan, which tests for chromosomal disorders, on Friday, December 16.  I actually moved it up a week, from the 23rd, because I was experiencing some abdominal cramping, which made me anxious.  But Beansprout was perfect!  He was in the perfect position for the screening (the ultrasound tech said sometimes the screening can take hours, because the baby has to be spine down), and the technician was able to alleviate my fears right away by saying his spinal fluid levels were in the normal range and he has a clear nasal bone.  Also, the bloodwork we did in connection with the scan said our odds of trisomy problems is less than 1 in 10,000.

Beansprout now measures about 2-3 inches, and all of his body parts are formed, just tiny!  He woke up as we did the ultrasound, so we were able to see him moving and flipping around.  He even waved to us, as you can see in the second picture, and it looked like he was sucking his thumb (third picture).  It was so cool to see the change from the eight week ultrasound.  You can distinguish his little arms and legs, and even see fingers.  The technician wouldn't guess about the sex, so we'll have to wait another seven weeks or so to get confirmation about that. 

Beansprout's heartbeat had decreased to 168 beats per minute, which was nice to hear.  In short, it was a great appointment, and I could have watched him on the monitor all day! 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Double Digits!

How far along: 10 weeks as of December 6, 2011.  Double digits!
Size of baby: Kumquat.  I'm not really sure what that is, but the baby is a little over an inch long.  All of Beansprout's vital organs have formed, his teeth buds emerge and his eyelids develop further.  Also, his brain growth really takes off.
Movement: None that I can feel.
Sex of baby: Well, now I'm not so sure.  After this week's doctor's appointment and the high heartbeat, I'm thinking that maybe it could be a girl.  We'll find out for sure in about 9 weeks!
Sleep: Much better than last week.  Plus, I am not as fatigued as I used to be, so I don't feel exhausted all of the time.
What I miss: Having a glass of wine to de-stress at night.  Beansprout is worth it, though!
Cravings: Macaroni and cheese sounded good to me this week.  I am trying not to indulge too much, though, since I've already gained two pounds in two weeks!  Hope that weight trend doesn't continue throughout the pregnancy!
Symptoms: Some fatigue, indigestion and digestive issues.  Normal for this time in the period.
What I'm looking forward to: The next appointment on December 23.  We will have the scan to look for chromosomal disorders, which I am hoping and praying will be normal.  Keep your fingers crossed!  Hopefully we can hear the heartbeat again then, too!

Telling Emily

One moment I have been looking forward to for awhile is telling my best friend since age 8, Emily, about the pregnancy.  Emily and her husband, Todd, are expecting their first baby, a girl, in late April, and I am so excited that we get to share this experience!

When Emily told me her good news around the first weekend in October, she told me that Mark and I needed to have a baby so our kids can be best buds, too.  Well, we took her up on that advice!  When I spoke with her this past Thursday, I asked if she remembered telling me that her little one needs a playmate.  It didn't take her long to figure out what I was getting at!

I feel so fortunate to have someone to share in this experience, and to give me some tips and things to expect, since she's a little further along.  I can't wait until our kids meet for the first time!  I told Emily if we have a boy, he may be her daughter's future spouse, and if we have a girl, her future best friend!  So exciting!

Second Doctor's Appointment

On December 7, we had our second doctor's appointment.  This was the first appointment where we got to meet with a doctor, rather than just a nurse or a technician.  The appointment was with my regular doctor, Dr. Crowther, whom I LOVE.  She is so kind and reassuring. 

We first met with Dr. Crowther in her office to go over the blood work we had done and to explain the different tests and appointments to expect throughout the pregnancy.  Our blood work came back normal.  I have type B positive blood, which means I don't have to get a rhogam shot later in the pregnancy.  Also, our cystic fibrosis results were negative!

Then, we listened to Beansprout's heartbeat for the first time, using a doppler monitor.  It was so cool to hear the heart beating--it sounds like a fast-moving train!  The heart was beating at 185 beats per minute, which I thought sounded fast, but Dr. Crowther said was normal. She said with this strong a heartbeat, my chances of miscarriage are pretty low! 

Because the heart was beating so quickly, I am now wondering whether Beansprout is a girl.  The old wives' tale says that heartbeats over 160 indicate girl, while under 160 indicates boy.  While we have to wait another 9 weeks for our sex scan, I sped up the guessing game a bit by purchasing an Intelligender test.  This test uses the protein in your urine to guess whether the baby is a boy or a girl. (Mark's response when I told him about this test: "This is absurd, but let's do it."  Ha!  I feel like that's a pretty accurate description of this process!)  If the liquid turns green, it's a boy; orange, it's a girl!  The supposed accuracy rate is 80%.  I will be sure to post the results once we do the test.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Nine Weeks

How far along: Nine weeks as of November 29, 2011.
Size of baby: Grape.  Growing bigger!  This week, Beansprout's skeleton is beginning to harden, his intestinal system forms, and his reproductive system begins to develop internally.  He also may start to move!
Movement: None that I can feel.
Sex of baby: Likely boy, although this week I have been craving sweets (see below), which is a sign that it may be a girl!  Most of the signs still point to boy, though.
Sleep: Well, sleep was pretty awful this week, at least at the beginning of the week.  For some reason, I got into a habit of waking up at around 4 am each morning and being unable to go back to sleep for hours.  It was horrible trying to sleep when everyone else in the room (dogs included) was sleeping soundly (and snoring, in the case of Finn).  I'm not sure the reason for this sleep problem, but it didn't happen on Friday or Saturday nights, so I am hoping it is over.
What I miss: Having the energy to cook a meal when I get home from work, which is always after 8pm.  Luckily for us, my mom ordered us meals from a meal delivery service.  They arrived yesterday, so I should be able to eat a balanced dinner every night without having to prepare it myself!  What a godsend.
Cravings: This week it was sweets.  Chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, etc.  Very healthy, but I am using this pregnancy as an excuse to give into cravings, with moderation, course!
Symptoms: Fatigue, some nausea after eating.
What I'm looking forward to: Next week's doctor's appointment and hearing Beansprout's heartbeat.  I also haven't gotten the results of my bloodwork, so I will have to call to check on them.  I'm looking forward to positive results!