Sunday, June 24, 2012

Thirty Eight Weeks

How far along: 38 weeks as of Tuesday, June 19.  Still hanging in there.
Size of baby: Beansprout weighs about 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and is about 19.5 inches long, the length of a leek.  His organs have matured and are ready for life outside of the womb.  Wow.  Time for him to think about making an appearance!  I am more than ready. 
Movement: Well, this one is a little long this week, so I will add it to the "Extras" section at the end.
Sex of baby: Boy!
Sleep: Ok.  I'm waking up at least three times each night, and I am not able to sleep in much.  I'm not overly tired, though.  I'm also having some hip and back pain, but nothing too troublesome.
Cravings: Frozen yogurt.
Symptoms: Swelling, some sharp abdominal pain on my right side that the doctor says is likely caused by Beansprout pushing on an organ and irritating it.  When the doctor was checking out this pain, she noticed that there was something "bouncy" in the vicinity and was worried that he had moved from head-down to a sideways position.  She checked, and luckily, Beansprout is still hanging out upside down.  Thank goodness!
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting Beansprout.  Please come soon, baby!

Extras: I had a little scare today.  I have noticed decreased movement from Beansprout over the last couple of days.  I know that he's getting cramped in there, so it is more difficult for him to move.  Usually, when that happens I drink some orange juice and he gets going right away.  That worked yesterday, so I wasn't worried.  Today, though, I drank the juice and got only a couple of movements from Beansprout in response, even after waiting 15 minutes or so.  I called the doctor, who told me to come in to labor and delivery, even though I felt some movement, because it was a noticeable change in Beansprout's normal pattern.  Of course, I am freaking out at this point and am petrified that there is something wrong.  We head over to the hospital, where we got star treatment.  I got set up in a room right away and had a nurse to myself.  She hooked me up to the fetal monitor and said they'd do an ultrasound to check Beansprout's amniotic fluid level.  Beansprout looked great on the monitor and had a strong heartbeat, which fluctuated appropriately in pace.  He also had a fine level of fluid (on the low side, but ok for this late in pregnancy) and was moving some during the ultrasound, although I couldn't feel anything.  I did see him blink, though, which was so neat! 

They monitored me for an hour, and I felt no movements for the first forty-five minutes or so.  During the last fifteen minutes, he started perking up, and I got several comforting movements.  The doctors told me that in this last week or so, I may not feel too many movements because of the lack of space and the positioning of the baby.  Despite knowing this, it is very hard not to worry when Beansprout isn't moving as frequently as he was before.  At the end of the day, Beansprout is looking great, and I have to trust that he's doing fine even when I can't feel him as much.  Let's just say I am ready for him to arrive so that I don't have to worry every day!  Come on Beansprout, we're ready for you! 

On a less anxiety-inducing note, we are finishing final baby preparations.  My mom arrived on Friday and is staying through the birth.  It is very nice to have her here to help me with the last-minute errands; thanks, Mom!  Mark installed the car seat today (correctly; we got it checked by a police officer!), and all of the furniture is set up in the nursery, other than a small table which my aunt is bringing on Thursday.  The newborn clothes, blankets and towels are washed.  We just have a few pictures to hang, and then we'll be good to go.  It's go time!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thirty Seven Weeks

How far along: 37 weeks as of Tuesday, June 12, 2012.  I am now full term, and Beansprout can arrive whenever he chooses!  Of course, it would be nice if he would choose a day in the 39th week.  Just a hint, Beansprout.
Size of baby: Beansprout weighs nearly 6.5 pounds and is a bit more than 19 inches long (size of a stalk of Swiss chard).  His lungs are likely mature enough to survive in the outside world without assistance.  He also could have a full head of hair at this point!  I had very little hair at birth, so it will be interesting to see whether he has hair and how much of it he will have.
Movement: Still moving around, and I'm still loving it.  There's nothing better than knowing he's safe and healthy. 
Sex of baby: It's a boy!
Sleep: Ok, except I wake up so frequently, so it's very interrupted sleep.
Cravings: Popsicles, cereal.
Symptoms: Hand and feet swelling, Braxton Hicks contractions (Finally!  Hopefully that means there is some progress being made). 
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this baby very, very soon!  I can't wait to hold him for the first time.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Thirty Six Weeks

How far along: 36 weeks as of Tuesday, June 5, 2012.  The funny thing is that I thought I didn't look so big in this shirt, until I saw the photo.  That is definitely a boy belly.
Size of baby: We had an ultrasound this week, and Beansprout is estimated to weigh 6 pounds, 4 oz.  (which Babycenter helpfully tells me is the weight of a crenshaw melon).  That is right at the 50th percentile for 36 weeks, so I was glad to hear he's no longer in the "above average" category.  Of course, the technician was quick to point out that the estimate could be off, in either direction, by a pound, so who knows how big Beansprout will actually be.  He is about 18.5 inches long.  He is shedding the lanugo that covered his body, as well as the vernix caseosa, the white cottage cheese like stubstance that covered him and protected his skin.  He swallows these substances, which I had no clue happened, and they form part of the meconium that is his first bowel movement.
Movement: He's still moving, but I really can't put a pattern to it like they say most people can.  He moves enough to keep me from getting worried, but sometimes if I feel like I haven't noticed many movements I will take time to relax and count.  He always meets the 10 movements per 2 hour minimum.
Sex of baby: Boy!  And now I have had numerous strangers comment on my "baby boy," without my telling them anything about the sex, or even mentioning the pregnancy, just because of the way I'm carrying.  One woman on the elevator at work told me her mother always said boy bellies look like bullets right out in front.  The cashier at an ice cream shop told me to "feed my boy" (I took him up on the demand by ordering ice cream rather than frozen yogurt, which I hope Beansprout appreciated, as I'm sure my hips and thighs did not!).  And the Russian document manager at work commented about my "baby boy."  Guess I couldn't pull off a surprise delivery, even if I wanted to!
Sleep: Not so great.  I'm waking up several times during the night, plus I'm having trouble sleeping in the morning.  I think it may be my body's way of preparing me for the baby!
Cravings: Ice cream and popsicles.  Must be summer!
Symptoms: Ankle and feet swelling, swelling in my fingers, fatigue (thanks to the lack of sleeping).
What I'm looking forward to: Setting up the baby gear and beginning to decorate the nursery.  Also, full-term!