Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Thirty Seven Weeks

How far along: 37 weeks as of Tuesday, June 12, 2012.  I am now full term, and Beansprout can arrive whenever he chooses!  Of course, it would be nice if he would choose a day in the 39th week.  Just a hint, Beansprout.
Size of baby: Beansprout weighs nearly 6.5 pounds and is a bit more than 19 inches long (size of a stalk of Swiss chard).  His lungs are likely mature enough to survive in the outside world without assistance.  He also could have a full head of hair at this point!  I had very little hair at birth, so it will be interesting to see whether he has hair and how much of it he will have.
Movement: Still moving around, and I'm still loving it.  There's nothing better than knowing he's safe and healthy. 
Sex of baby: It's a boy!
Sleep: Ok, except I wake up so frequently, so it's very interrupted sleep.
Cravings: Popsicles, cereal.
Symptoms: Hand and feet swelling, Braxton Hicks contractions (Finally!  Hopefully that means there is some progress being made). 
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this baby very, very soon!  I can't wait to hold him for the first time.

1 comment:

  1. I had no hair too and Todd had a little bit of red hair that fell out at 6 weeks. But somehow Harps has a full head of very dark hair so you never know. I am soo excited for you!!! He will be here before you know it!
