Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lima Bean: Thirty Eight Weeks

How far along: Thirty eight weeks as of Wednesday, July 2, 2014.  This was as far as I got in Henry's pregnancy in terms of documenting the pregnancy weekly.  My water broke at exactly 39 weeks and Henry was born 27 hours later.  Maybe Lima Bean will make it a repeat and I will go into labor tomorrow?  One can dream! (Note, Lima Bean, I said labor, not just water breaking--I need contractions!)
Size of baby: Lima Bean is over 19.5 inches from head to heel, the size of a leek, and weighs about 6.8 pounds. 
Maternity Clothes: Yes.
Movement: Lima Bean is a mover and a shaker!
Sex of baby: It's a girl!
Sleep: Horrible, horrible, horrible.  Between my bladder and an awful rash (see below), I barely sleep anymore and haven't for a few days.
What I miss: Sleep.
Cravings: Potato salad (made it homemade so I didn't have a listeria concern and it was delish!), turkey burgers, scrambled eggs.
Symptoms: The rash on my legs that I thought was an allergy got progressively worse, despite prescription steroid cream.  It's now dark red and splotchy on my left leg, although it doesn't itch as badly as it did.  Then, the rash began spreading.  It's now all over my abdomen and is moving up my neck.  My OB thinks that it is pregnancy-related--there is something called PUPPPS that affects something like 1/200 pregnancies--aren't I lucky?!  If that is the case, I am praying that it disappears pretty immediately after Lima Bean is born, because it is just miserable.  I tried a second prescription steroid but it didn't help.  I also purchased Grandpa's Pine Tar soap, which is supposed to help.  It helps for the duration of its use, but not at all afterward.  At this point, I am just counting the days until Baby Girl arrives.  I hate that I can't enjoy the time I have with Henry more, but it's hard when I am so uncomfortable.  I especially dread the nights because I know I won't get any sleep. 
What I'm looking forward to: Having this baby girl and hoping that with her birth, this rash will disappear.

Extras: Barely any more progress to report.  Some, but not so much that I think Lima Bean will arrive much, if any, before her due date.

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