Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Twenty Eight Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks as of April 10, 2012.  I have officially entered the third trimester!
Size of baby: Beansprout weighs 2 1/4 pounds (we all know that he's actually substantially bigger than that!) and is about 14.8 inches long.  His eyes now have eye lashes, and he is able to blink them.  His eyesight is developing, and he may be able to see the light that comes through from the outside.  He is developing billions of neurons in his brain and is adding body fat to prepare for survival outside of my body!
Movement: Beansprout's still going strong.  I love it!
Sex of baby: It's a boy!
Sleep: Fine, although I'm not getting enough of it!  I think I've reached the point of pregnancy where I need a lot of sleep again. 
What I miss: Wine, soft cheeses.
Cravings: Chocolate milk, Mexican food.
Symptoms: Fatigue, back pain, some headaches.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting everything in order for Beansprout's arrival.  It seems much more real now, so I want to be prepared.  I have a "to do" list that I love whittling down.  There's still a ton to do, but it feels good to have everything listed out so I can keep track of what still needs to happen.


First, a huge congratulations to Emily and Todd, who welcomed baby Harper Kelly into the world on April 15.  Harper was 6 lbs, 15 oz. and 20 inches long.  She arrived a couple of weeks early, but everyone is doing well and is healthy.

Second, for those of you in the legal world, I sat next to Alexandra Clement, Paul Clement's wife, at a Supreme Court oral argument yesterday.  While we may not be on the same side of the aisle politically, she was wonderful to talk to.  The Clements have three sons, all of whom were born at the hospital where we will deliver Beansprout!  Alexandra was so sweet and was very interested in learning about my pregnancy and sharing some stories about her boys. 

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