So in love with this picture! |
There was a wardrobe malfunction with this pair of overalls, so we had to do a quick change. |
Henry turned four months old on October 26! Here's what he was up to in his fourth month of life:
- The biggest change for Henry (and his mama!) is that I returned to work on October 16. I am working a 60% schedule, which means I go into the office three days a week. We found a great nanny, which is the only reason I was able to return. She takes good care of Henry while I'm gone, sending us pictures and text messages updating us on his day.
- So far the biggest challenge of working is definitely pumping milk for Henry to have while I'm gone. It's a doozy of a process! I pump three times a day when I am in the office, and it takes about 20 minutes for each session. I am able to work while pumping, thank goodness. Hopefully one day Henry will appreciate the lengths I went to give him a healthy supply of breast milk!
- Henry's four month appointment was rescheduled because of Hurricane Sandy, so I won't have his stats until November 12. He seems like he is growing at a rapid speed, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's shot up to a much higher weight percentile. He is also still really long, which is proving to be an issue when dressing him, now that it's fall and he needs long pants!
- Update: Henry, at 19 weeks, weighs 16 lbs, 2 oz. and is 25.5 inches long! 66% for weight and 60th for height. His head circumference is 16.8 inches (46%).
- Perhaps the most major milestone Henry reached this month was rolling over from back to tummy! He first did it on October 22, and now he does it within seconds of you putting him on his back. He has great neck control once he's on his belly, and he enjoys looking around or sometimes sucking on his fists in front of him. He does get fussy after awhile, and he apparently isn't interested in rolling back over onto his back. He's only done that once, I think. Because he is a rolling machine, we took the bumpers off Henry's crib this month.
- Henry also laughed for the first time on October 4! He loves to laugh during his favorite game, which is to be lifted into the air from a standing position on his changing table! We lift him up and he smiles like he's having the time of his life. Often, we'll play "helicopter" by swirling him back down to stand on the table. Playing this game never gets old because he loves it so much.
- Another activity the whole family enjoys is to have a dance party in Henry's room while listening to Disney songs/musicals on Pandora! We have a great video of Mark and Henry dancing to an Aladdin song that I'll upload soon.
- Sleep is going much better (knock on wood) than it used to. Henry now sleeps between 5-7 hours on average before waking up for a late-night snack. One night he went 8 hours and I got nervous that something had happened. Nope, just progress (and some extra baby chub to keep him full!)
- Speaking of sleeping, naps still take place in the swing. That will change beginning next week,when we start working on getting him to sleep in his crib during the day. I'm hoping that if he's tired enough he'll go down without too much of a fight.
- Henry is much more interested in toys now. He will grab toys if you put them on his lap or in his hands. He has reached the stage where everything lands in his mouth, which means we have to keep said toys off of the floor and away from the dogs!
- Henry enjoyed his first trip to the park this month. He's now an old pro at the baby swing, and he loves to sit in it and watch the big kids play!
Each month just keeps getting better, as Henry is more and more interactive. Can't wait to see what month five brings!
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