Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Fish Called Henry

Henry loves taking baths.  It's probably his favorite activity, save for eating.  And what's not to love?  He gets to relax in his baby sling while Mark pours water on him and I wash him head to toe.  Here is photograph evidence of Henry's bathtime adventures, plus some post-bath photos of him donning his alligator and frog bath towels.

What?!  You don't suck on your feet while bathing?

Henry's motto: Why settle for a thumb when a toe is available?

Snuggles with Daddy.

Captain Henry

Aargh!!  Surrrrender all yer milk and no one gets hurt!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

We Call It Precocious

Some might call Henry's reading about the dreidel song ironic, as he's doing so while wearing Santa and reindeer pjs.

But given that his mom celebrates Christmas and his dad celebrates Chanukah, and so he will celebrate both, we call him precocious.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Strike a Pose!

A couple of weekends ago, my mom was in town.  We headed over to my grandmother's for the afternoon, to celebrate her birthday and to visit with family.  My uncle, who is a wonderful photographer, agreed to take some shots of Henry, my mom and me.  He got some great ones!

This may be my all-time favorite photo of the two of us.

We encountered a little spit-up problem, but it didn't stop us!


Henry and my great-aunt Nina.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Up, Up and Away!

Our nanny actually took this photo and the next two with her phone.  Maybe I should get an iPhone just for the awesome camera!

 There's a great playground near our house with lots of fun equipment for kids.  Because we're eager first-time parents, Henry has already tested out the baby swing and one slide (he sat on our laps, of course).  Henry loves the swing.  He's recently figured out he can shriek (watch out restaurant-goers, we're now those parents), and he shrieks in happiness while swinging.  He also loves watching the other children at the park.

I can't wait until Henry can try the other equipment.  I'm not-so-secretly hoping he'll be a daredevil like me and enjoy climbing up slides, going across the monkey bars, and doing flips on the hanging rings.

Mom, I'm bored.  HIGHER!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

King of the Hiller Lair

Henry was a very scary lion for Halloween! 

A few days before Halloween, our neighborhood had its annual Halloween party.  Henry was, by far, the youngest kid there, so it wasn't very exciting because the other kids were all old enough to play together.  But, it was fun to dress him in costume and hear the oohs and aahs of the neighbors.

Then, on the day of Halloween, Mark worked from home and I came home early.  We dressed Henry in costume again, but opted out of Trick or Treating, since it was cold and any candy we collected would obviously not be consumed by Henry.  But I'm not one to miss an opportunity for a photo shoot!

Next year, Henry will be able to enjoy the holiday a bit more, so we will take full advantage and go Trick or Treating.  I'm already thinking of costume ideas!

Thursday, November 8, 2012



Do you know

That you are


I ever wanted

I love you

To the moon

And back

And then some more.