Henry is two months old, as of August 26, 2012!
Smiling and busting out of his shirt. This shirt was retired after the photo shoot. |
Here are some updates about Henry's second month of life:
- At his 2 month appointment, he weighed 11 pounds, 11 ounces, was 23.5 inches long, and his head circumference was 15 1/2 inches, I think. It was 15-something. These stats put him in approximately the 50th percentile for weight, 67th for height, and 29th for head circumference.
- Henry is smiling all the time now! His first truly social smile (where there was no doubt what he was doing, and it lasted for more than a second) was on August 5, while sitting his Rock 'n Play next to the dining room table as I ate dinner. He did it off and on after that day, but he began smiling on a regular basis, at least once a day, at about 8 weeks. He is especially smiley after eating (who wouldn't be?!), and we can count on lots of open-mouthed grins for whomever is holding him at the time. He does cut his eyes to the side and look down while smiling sometimes, which makes him look both shy and flirty.
- He is a very social baby and hasn't met a stranger. He stares intently at the person holding him, and if you're lucky, he'll smile bashfully.
- He "talks" to us frequently. He loves to coo and babble when he's happy, and he's begun responding with coos when you talk back to him. I'm hoping he'll be an early talker!
- Henry has begun whining when he's unhappy. He has the lip pout down and everything. He also makes whiny cries to go along with the pout.
- Henry rolled over, from tummy to back, for the first time on August 14 during tummy time! It was unintentional, and it shocked him so much he began crying. He didn't do it again until August 30th.
- He holds his head upright if you hold him over your shoulder. He also can lift his head up, pushing up with his arms, during tummy time.
- He now sleeps in his mini crib off of our bedroom at night. He typically gives us stretches of 5-6 hours at night, although the past couple of days he has been making things interesting by sleeping only about 4 hours at a time. We're hoping it's just because he is hot, so we are turning down the temperature and retiring his fleece swaddle for awhile to see if that helps him stay asleep for longer.
- Henry still absolutely loves his swing. He loves it so much that both Mark's and my parents have bought one for their homes for him to use when we visit. It's our secret weapon whenever he's fussy, and he prefers it for napping.
- He still loves car rides and stroller rides and falls asleep each time.
- Henry made his first long-distance trip, to New York, at 8 weeks old. He did great on the car ride there. He did have a blowout in his car seat that required me to change him in the Wendy's parking lot somewhere near the Maryland-Delaware border. He did very well while in New York and did not seem phased by the change of routine in the least.
- Henry had his first set of shots on August 31. I am splitting his 2 month shots into 3 sessions to minimize the number of things his immune system has to fight at one time. He screamed after the first set of shots, of course, but I fed him right afterward because I read breastfeeding is a natural pain reliever. He ate eagerly and calmed right down. He wasn't fussy at all that night, although he did seem a little more sleepy than usual. We're proud of our big boy!
- Because Henry is now two months old, we've become braver in taking him out. He has eaten at an indoor restaurant for the first time while in New York and has also been to Target twice. So far, so good!
For good measure, a few more adorable photos:
Smiling! |
He looks like he's in the middle of a conversation. |
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