Our big boy is three months old as of September 26, 2012!
Henry and his penguin friend are both listing to the left! |
You have no idea how hard I had to work for this smile. |
Here's what Henry is up to these days:
- Henry has transitioned into 3-6 month clothes. He can still fit into some 0-3 month things, but because most of them are summery and it's getting cooler, I don't often put him in them. I also want him to wear all of his 3-6 month things before he outgrows them.
- Henry weighs 13 lbs, 12 oz at 13 weeks old. He was wearing a diaper and an outfit when he was weighed, so he probably weighs more like 13 lbs, 6 oz or so. That puts him in the 37th percentile. He has dropped from the 50th percentile at his 2 month checkup, but the nurse didn't seem concerned, so I guess I won't be, either. He has plenty of dirty and wet diapers a day, which I have read is the indicator that he gets enough to eat.
- He's now completed his two month shots. I split them into three rounds, so he wouldn't have so much entering into his system at once. The number of vaccinations required these days is ridiculous, but my thoughts on vaccines are a story for another day. Henry tolerated the second and third sets of shots so well! He cried for just a minute and then calmed down on his own, although I did feed him shortly after each set to give him more pain relief and emotional comfort.
- Henry has discovered, and is fascinated by, his hands, and his new thing is to lift his arms in the air with his hands in fists as if he were grasping the hanging toys on his playmat. It looks like he's proclaiming victory, and it's adorable.
- Speaking of the playmat, Henry loves to hang out on his back and play with the toys. He will hold onto a toy for minutes on end, and he also enjoys kicking one toy while gripping another.
- He hasn't rolled over from belly to back since the day we caught it on video, but he is nearly rolling from his back to his front. He will get himself onto his side, but one of his arms always prevents him from making the final completion of the turn. We think it won't be long, though!
- Henry has hung out in his bumbo chair a couple of times. His head bobbles around like a little drunk man a bit, but it's good for his neck muscles. He looks at us like it's no big deal to be sitting in his own mini chair.
- Henry is becoming increasingly chatty and vocal. He "talks" to us, and to himself, all of the time. I'm hoping this means he will be an early talker. I would love for his first word to appear by 10-11 months. We talk to him and read to him often in hopes that it will help his speech.
- I'm still keeping Henry on a 3 hour feeding schedule during the day. He is typically awake for about 1.5-2 of those hours (including feeding), and then he will sleep for an hour or an hour and a half.
- We are still suckers for allowing Henry to nap in his swing. He sleeps much better in it during the day than he does in his crib, so I'm going with it. We will become more strict one of these days, but today is not that day!
- Henry does sleep in his crib at night. He still wakes up at least once a night to eat, but he is pretty good about going right back down after he eats, so we're not losing too much sleep.
- Week 12 was Henry's fussiest period since his newborn days. It seemed that nothing made him happy except for eating, and he was even fussy in the middle of the night after feedings. I think it must have been a growth spurt. Luckily, he has been much happier literally since he turned 13 weeks, which means that Mommy and Daddy are much happier and well-rested!
- Henry has a new habit of tucking in and sucking on his lips. It is pretty cute.
- He loves playing "airplane" with Daddy. Mark holds him horizontally and zooms him from room to room. Sometimes he puts one of Henry's arms out like Superman. I'll upload some photos soon.
Here are lots of other recent photos of our favorite little guy.
Wearing the onesie I made him at his shower. |
My shirt is covered in spit up, but I don't care! |
You expect me to sleep all night? You've got to be kidding me. |
Hanging out in the Bumbo. |
Hanging in my Puma jacket from Uncle Michael and Aunt Laura! |
Evidence of the lip-sucking. |
Visiting Michael and Laura in West Virginia. |
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