On December 17, 2014, Natalie turned five months old!
In month five, Natalie:
- Is ready to move! This girl is the wiggliest, squirmiest baby. She does not like to sit. She either wants to stand or to crawl. She obviously can't do either yet, but she sure wishes she could. I'm wondering whether she will skip sitting up and go straight to crawling.
- Is getting much more steady when she does let you sit her up. If she would stay in that position long enough, I think she'd be sitting on her own in a couple of weeks.
- Rolled from her back to her belly pretty immediately, every time she was put down. She just started rolling the other way, so now she can roll across a room, literally, in seconds. She also learned to pivot on her belly, so she will move directions and end up in a completely different spot from where she began.
- Slept horribly. And I do mean horribly. Naps don't happen unless she is in someone's arms, the carrier, or her carseat. I hate to admit it, but I will put her in her carseat when it's not in the car, just to get her to sleep. I feel like it's better for her brain development to get enough sleep than to miss naps and be in her seat less. At night, she slept in our bed for weeks. This began when she started rolling onto her belly, which she didn't like, and she couldn't get back onto her back. Rather than listen to her scream, I let her sleep in our bed. Ugh...but last night, we got brave and attempted the crib again, now that she can roll both ways. And what do you know--she slept all night just fine! Please, Natalie, keep it up!
- Spends time in the highchair while Henry is eating! She hasn't had solids yet, although Lord knows this girl wants to eat. I'm holding out for another two weeks. But if you put toys on the tray, she is happy for about 10-15 minutes.
- Is still exclusively breastfed. I am very proud of myself for making it this far. It is a big time commitment, particularly since I have to pump at work. My new goal is 6 months exclusive breastfeeding, then add in solids and maybe some formula on the days I work if my supply decreases. My end date is probably 9 months, as it was for Henry, but since Natalie seems more emotionally attached to nursing, I may breastfeed until 12 months but stop pumping at 8-9. We will see how things go.
- Seems to have slimmed down. She got a cold right before Christmas, and when the doctor weighed her, she was only 16 lbs, 8 oz. A whole pound less than she weighed at her four-month checkup. Because of the difference, the nurse weighed her again, but she was still at 16.8. I am thinking that the scales in different exam rooms are calibrated differently (she was in a different room for her checkup than for the sick visit), because there is no way she could have lost a pound. But, I am not sure which number is accurate! She goes for her six month appointment in a couple of weeks and we will see what she weighs then.
- Still wants to be part of the action. She gets antsy very quickly when put down in her bouncer or her crib. She is much happier sitting on your lap watching Henry play!
- Loves her brother! She laughs for him more than for anyone else, even though he isn't always the nicest to her. She doesn't hold a grudge.
- Wears 6-12 month, 6, or 9 month clothes, depending on the brand, and a size 3 diaper. Her feet are much smaller than Henry's were. Her 6-12 month shoes are much too big.
- Still has blue/brown eyes. Amber in the center and a dark blue around that.
- Is just the snuggliest thing, and I love it! She buries her head into your shoulder when she is happy. I hope I always remember that feeling. I'd say she is more of a snuggler than Henry was.
More recent photos of our girl:
Natalie LOVES the jumperoo! She can spend 30 minutes in it. She is much more of a fan than Henry ever was. My kids are pretty much opposites, I have found! |
You can see her poor runny nose. Preschool germs strike again, Luckily no croup this time. |
I thought this was hilarious. She loved trying to eat one of her new Christmas gifts, |
Working on sitting up! |
I have started putting bows and headbands on Natalie. One, to tame her hair, and two, because they are impossibly adorable. |
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