Thursday, August 14, 2014

Natalie--Week One

Well, given that Natalie will be a month old in three days, I suppose that now is as good a time as any to finally post her weekly updates.  Here is week one.

This is the very first outfit I bought Natalie.  In fact, I bought it even before I was pregnant with her, hoping that one day I would have a daughter to wear it! 

Natalie was a dream baby during her first week of life.  She rarely fussed, slept for three hour increments at night, and sometimes even longer, and ate well. 

The only real dislikes Natalie had in week one were getting dressed or undressed and, at times, having her diaper changed.  She is a wild woman when it comes to having her diaper changed and her clothes changed.  Pretty much the minute you lie her on the changing table, her arms go straight out to the sides and her legs start kicking.  She is then in full-steam ahead action mode until you pick her back up.  I had a feeling, based on every heartbeat check and ultrasound where I was told how active she was, that she would keep up the activity outside of the womb.  I was right.

Two other things Natalie doesn't love: the swing and the swaddle.  I was shocked because they were like baby cocaine for Henry, particularly the swing.  Let me tell you, too, I was (and am) pretty bummed that the swing doesn't instantly soothe Natalie like it did Henry.  That was our go-to way to get Henry to calm down whenever he was upset.  I keep trying and hoping that one day Natalie will realize she actually loves the swing.

Natalie didn't seem too interested in a pacifier.  I didn't really try to offer it to her too much, though, because she was generally content without one.

Natalie tried out tummy time for the first time this week!  As you can see from the photos below, which were taken successively, Natalie is following in her big brother's footsteps and can already turn her head from one side to the other.  This feat is standard for three weeks old, so Natalie is ahead of the game and clearly is going to be a genius.

Hanging out with Mommy and big brother!  Henry loves his sister and is great with her!  It is such a relief.  I hope they will be lifelong friends.

"Hi, Nanie!"
Telling me something riveting.
Before Natalie's first post-hospital bath!  I hate to admit it, but the second child syndrome is alive and well in our house.  Poor Natalie has been bathed four times, I think, since birth.  Judge all you want; I know it's awful!

Natalie didn't seem to care about the bath one way or the other, except she LOVED having her hair washed!  Who wouldn't love a head massage?

Natalie's stats at her one-week doctor appointment were 6 pounds, 14 ounces, 20.5 inches long, with a head circumference of 13.5 inches.  These stats put her in the 45th percentile for weight and the 95th (!) percentile for height.  Tall and skinny.

Natalie is an eating champ, because she gained 10 ounces in four days.  She was down to 6 pounds, 4 ounces on her third day of life, but once my milk came in, she gained and gained.  Way to go, Natalie!

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