Monday, March 10, 2014

Lima Bean Is...


My maternal instincts were correct!  We are over the moon excited.  We can't wait to experience life with both a boy and a girl.

We had our big anatomy scan on February 24.  I was very, very anxious for the scan and eager to learn whether the baby looked healthy.  Thankfully, Lima Bean checked out just fine.  I made our doctor run through the gamut of body parts, head to toe, and tell us that they were looking good. The ultrasound technician, like everyone, made a comment about how busy Lima Bean is.  We are in for it!  We got some cute pictures of Lima Bean I will share in the 20 week post.

Like last time, Mark and I asked that the technician not reveal the sex during the ultrasound but instead to write whether the baby is a girl or a boy on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope for us to open at dinner that evening.  Because our appointment was early in the day, I had the envelope in my purse at work all day.  It was so hard to concentrate on work!  But I was not tempted to peek because it is so fun to find out just the two of us.

This time, we headed to a restaurant aptly named Proof for the big reveal.  I brought up our plan with the waiter early on, because I wanted to make sure they had something pink or blue they could use when bringing out dessert.  He told me that they did not have fresh berries on hand, so we couldn't do ice cream topped with strawberries or blueberries.  But the waiter said they could come up with something. 

Surprisingly, it wasn't that hard to concentrate on the appetizer and entree.  It wasn't that hard during our reveal for Henry, either.  I think it's because I just "knew" each time what we would be having.  When it came time for dessert, the waiter asked for the envelope, and as I was handing it over, told us that they had something in mind for the reveal and that the chef had done a gender reveal at the restaurant in the past.

It was only while we were waiting for dessert that we got a little nervous (for lack of a better word, because obviously there was no wrong answer here!).  But a couple of minutes later, the waiter brought out the plate of white, pink, and purple sorbets, and right away I knew my instincts had been correct!  And perhaps that little ladybug was telling me something, after all.  I said, "It's a girl!" and may have teared up a little from happiness.  We opened the envelope and saw the pink paper where the ultrasound technician glued two photos revealing the sex and wrote, "It's a girl.  Congratulations!" 

Mark and I spent the next fifteen minutes or so taking photos of each other with the dessert and telling our families.  I took a picture of the sorbets and sent it to my family, and Mark did the same.  It was funny because both of our mothers couldn't figure out what the sex was based on the picture.  Apparently the purple sorbet looked a little blue in the photo.  So then we had to spell it out a little more obviously for people!  Ha. 

It was a wonderful evening, and we had a great time.  I love learning this way.  It is so fun to have the anticipation of the surprise, and to share it just between the two of us.  We cannot wait to meet our baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! As a sonographer, I am always happy to help new moms. Lisa
