Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life Lately

Whew...things have been busy, busy, busy around here lately.  Lots to update on!  But for now I will stick to Henry's latest developments.

Henry took his first steps on July 4th!  Truly an "Independence Day" for him!  He took several steps a day after then but was not consistently walking until the end of July/beginning of August.  It was a pretty organic process and it seems like one day he just picked it up and started walking as his only mode of transporation.  Once he got the hang of walking, he was off!  No more crawling for Henry.  He now moves so quickly he's nearly running.  And he has a new-found love for parks and the playground because he can run around, climb on the equipment, and watch other kids!

Henry also has made great strides in his verbal and receptive speech development!  Henry's first word was bath (which he pronounces without the 'th').  It was appropriate because it was one of his all-time favorite activities!  Ironically lately he has developed a fear of bathtime; he cries and cries when we put him in the tub and tries to stand up to get out.  I read that this is common around this age and one technique to try to ease toddlers' fears is to get in the bath with them.  So, for the past several days, Henry and Daddy have been sharing bathtime (Daddy wears his bathing suit, of course!)  Henry loves this and is totally relaxed and happy in the bathtub.  Now my concern is how to break him of this habit!

But back on topic, other than bath, Henry says several words: ball (bah), dog (dah), down (dow), banana (nana), more (mah), achoo (ah-soo--as in fake sneeze!), shoes (soos--and it's so adorable, because Henry loves, loves, loves shoes.  I think he is destined for a life as a shoe designer or a Nordstrom salesman!), and his latest, baby (bah-bi).  And mama and dada, of course.  Henry is fond of 'b' and 'd' words, apparently!

And Henry's receptive language skills are amazing.  He will retrieve things on command (shoes, ball, book, etc.), look for things when you ask (when you ask what's outside, he'll look out the window, he will look for Rowan when you ask about the dog), and he knows several body parts: head, tummy, and toes. 

Henry also dances (moves his feet quickly up and down as if he were running in place), claps, and blows kisses!  I worked with him for awhile on the blowing kisses.  So, so cute.

Henry finally learned to point with one finger rather than with his entire hand.  And he loves to do it, especially when he wants something!

It seems as if Henry really took off in the last couple of months and is now a  full-blown toddler, not a baby.  More updates (and pictures!) to come!

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