Monday, August 5, 2013

The 4-H Club

The weekend after Henry's birthday, my best friend, Emily, visited with her daughter, Harper.  We were so happy to see them!  I wish we could see more of them, but given that they are in North Carolina, we have to make do with two or three times a year.  But there's still a chance Harper and Henry could end up married one day, right?!

Harper has the most insanely blue, beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
Playing with the kitchen toy Harper gave Henry for his birthday.  He gave her the same one!
Ha!  Stealing Harper's snacks.

Best friends!
Looks like Henry is getting a little too forward.

Watch the progression...
Harper: Hey, buddy!  How's it going?
Henry: Um, I'm not so sure about this!
Just a little love pinch.  Nothing to see here!
It was a blast to spend time with Emily and Harper.  We can't wait to see them again soon!

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