Friday, July 24, 2015

Natalie at One Year

Natalie turned 12 months old on July 17, 2015!

In the last month before turning one, Natalie:

  • Continues to be on the move!  Natalie began walking full-time right on July 4.  Henry took his first steps that day, and Natalie began walking only that day--Independence Day, indeed!
  • Says several words: RoRo (Rowan), ba (bottle) baba (baby doll). haa (hi!).  They say girls are more verbal than boys early on, and that has proven true for us.
  • Can wave (backwards), do the motions for "wheels on the bus," and clap!
  • Loves to dance and sing.  She "sings" along when you sing her a song and it might be the most adorable thing ever.
  • Is not a picky eater and will eat most of what you put in front of her.  That said, fruit is her favorite.  She loves blueberries, strawberries, peaches, oranges, etc.  She also finally will eat fruit baby food pouches.
  • Still drinks from a bottle, and while she will drink from a sippy cup, she is a comfort feeder and I don't see her giving up the bottle at naptime or bedtime any time soon.  I nurse her now only at night and when she wakes up at night.  But those nightime wakings need to end, so I am cutting off the nursing then.  It will be a battle, I'm sure, but Natalie needs to learn better nightime sleep habits!
  • Climbs up the stairs at any available opportunity.  She also can get off of the couch by herself.
  • Still only has 4 teeth!
  • I will update once she has her checkup, but I am guessing that Natalie weighs 23 pounds.  She is solid.  She wears 12-18 month or 18 month clothes.
  • Is totally in love with her brother.  Henry hung the moon as far as Natalie is concerned.  If only he felt the same way ;-)  But she doesn't hold a grudge when he pushes her or knocks her over when she goes after a toy of his.  She will hold her own soon enough.  In fact, she is a hair puller (and has a mighty strong grip!) and unfortunately thinks it's hilarious to bite.  She has left marks on my shoulder and leg.  She's never done this to Henry, and she isn't doing it to be mean, but I am majorly discouraging it.
  • Is just the sweetest.  She loves to snuggle and to be held.  When I get home from work, she basically wants me, and only me, to hold her until bedtime.  I love it, because I miss her during the day.
A few parting photos:

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Henry's Birthday Interview

A new tradition for our kids' birthdays is, beginning at age three, I am going to ask them the same series of questions and record their answers.  It will be so much fun to compare as the years go on!  Here are Henry's answers for his first interview at age 3.

What is your favorite color?  Red.

What is something Mommy always says to you: Yes.  (Ha.  This is in response to an earlier practice round where he answered, "No" and I was clearly a bit upset.  Even if he didn't mean anything by it, I don't want to be a "No" mom!  Working on using other words to redirect him).

What makes you happy?  Helicopters (??)

What makes you sad?  Airplanes with wings (again, ??)

What's your favorite thing to do outside?  Dig.

What's your favorite thing to do inside?  Play.

What are you really good at?  Cutting (with scissors).

What did you do today?  Play with some birthday things.

What's your favorite truck?  Recycling truck.

What's your favorite thing to eat?  Granola bars.

What's your favorite book?  Curious George.

What's your favorite song?  Happy if You Know It.

What's your favorite animal?  Monkey.

Where do we live?  North Cackalacky.  (Ha!  Not yet, Henry!  The nickname is one Mark's New York born and bred law school roommate used when referring to my home state).

Where is your favorite place to go?  To the Carousel playground.

What's your favorite snack?  Granola bars.

What do you like to take with you to bed?  A truck.

Who do you like to play with?  Mommy. (when pressed for a kid his age, Paxton won out, unsurprisingly).

What do you like to do when you wake up in the morning?  Play.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Henry's Birthday By The Hour

Continuing tradition, I took a photo of Henry every hour on his recent third birthday.  I took the day off of work to spend with him, and it was fabulous.  This was the first year that he really understood what the day meant, and I loved that I got to share it with him.  Without further ado:

8:30 a.m.: Waking up and ready to start the day!

9:30 a.m.: Playing with his birthday gifts from Mommy and Daddy.  Dexter the Digger and a new scooter!

10:30 a.m.: Off with Mommy for the day's adventure.  First up, a dermatologist appointment for Henry.  He didn't mind.

11:30 a.m.: Appointment complete and ready for fun!  Train ride and carousel ride at his favorite playspace,

12:30 p.m.: Lunch and a cupcake at our favorite cupcake shop!

1:30 p.m.: Getting ready to head home for nap time.

Dropped a cupcake on his shorts, hence costume change!
2:30 p.m.: Snoozing.

3:30 p.m.: Still snoozing (see above)

4:30 p.m.: Awake and ready to play! (Another wardrobe change)

5:30 p.m.: Doing a little light cleaning before heading to dinner

6:30 p.m.: Heading to Henry's birthday dinner!

7:30 p.m.: Playing in the common area surrounding the restaurant.

8:30 p.m.: Late ice cream celebration before heading home to bed.

Happiest of birthdays, Henry!  We love you!