Saturday, December 14, 2013


Henry's vocabulary has taken off lately.  His receptive skills are growing by leaps and bounds, and he also is gaining more expressive verbal abilities.  One of Henry's favorite things to do is identify his body parts when you call them out.  He also likes to point them out on Mommy and Daddy.  His repertoire, so far, is: head, hair, eyes (he responds by squinting them!), ears, nose (when you ask him where his nose is he likes to pretend that he's blowing it), mouth, teeth, tongue (here he pants like a dog), hands, fingers, belly, feet, and toes.

One evening Henry and Daddy were reading a bedtime story (hence the reason for the pants-less Henry in the photos below).  This particular book, Horns to Toes and in Between, is a crowd favorite in this house.  The book identifies many body parts on the animals who are its subject.

Ignore the pink walls.  Two girls lived in this house before.  You should see the Pepto Bismol pink hall bathroom.  Painting is on the agenda.

One of those body parts?  Tummy, of course!  Henry had to show his off.

Look at that buddha belly!!

And then, it was time to torture play with Rowan and engage in some more bedtime delay tactics.  Oh, how we love this boy!

Elephant on Parade

Better late than is a recap of Halloween 2013!

Henry was the cutest elephant you ever did see.

We went trick-or-treating in our new neighborhood.  Henry was a hit--who could resist this little munchkin?!  He totally had no clue what was going on and did not understand the concept of trick-or-treating.  But he did enjoy walking up the front steps of people's homes, looking at all of the decorations, and pressing the doorbells.  It was fun!  Can't wait until next year when he will understand more about the day.