How far along: Twelve weeks as of Wednesday, January 1, 2014. Entering a new year, soon to enter a new trimester!
Size of baby: Just over two inches long, the size of a lime, and about half an ounce.
Maternity Clothes: Still no, but I am taking advantage of my comfy, stretchy leggings and long tunics. I can wear a few pairs of pants still, too. I also bought a new pair of "skinny" maternity jeans at the mall while shopping with my mom. Now that's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.
Movement: Well, the pulse beats I had been feeling stopped. So maybe it wasn't the baby moving after all. The strange thing is that I was talking with a coworker, who happens to be due with her second baby two days before I am, and she said the same thing about fetal movement. She thought she felt her baby really early at 10-11 weeks, but then the feelings stopped around 12 weeks.
Sex of baby: Thinking girl, but we'll see. I honestly don't care. I would like to have a daughter to have a shopping and movie buddy, but I would also love for Henry to experience having a brother. So either way, we will be happy.
Sleep: Still sleeping like a rock!
What I miss: Being able to have a glass of wine when going out to dinner.
Cravings: Chick-fil-a chicken strips. I had to have some when my mom and I were shopping at the mall, and I scarfed down all three in a matter of minutes. Also, Indian food and spaghetti and meat sauce, and my soup and sandwich kick is going strong.
Symptoms: Still tired, still have acne.
What I'm looking forward to: Getting the results of my blood work back. The screening ultrasound went well, but I want to have the comfort of the percentages, too!
Other notables:
We had our first trimester screen ultrasound this week, on January 2. The place we went for it was packed when we arrived. Plus, the office was short-staffed, probably because people were still out for the holidays. We had to wait over an hour to be seen! Not only were we bored, but I had to have a full bladder for the ultrasound and I was about to burst by the time we were called back! But other than that, we had a wonderful experience. This place specializes in ultrasounds, so their equipment was much better than we had seen before in doctor's offices. The image was much clearer, and they had a huge projector screen, so Mark and I didn't have to look at the tiny computer monitor to see Lima Bean. Lima Bean looked great. Heartbeat was 167 beats per minute. She has a clear nasal bridge and little fluid behind the neck, so the risk of Down Syndrome or other trisomy disorders is low. Plus, we were able to see her spine, and it looked good, so hopefully the spina bifida results will be negative. We also saw her brain, which looked normal. The ultrasound tech commented on how busy Lima Bean was--didn't want to stay still! I am only slightly joking when I say I worry about whether this kid is going to be one of those kids who never sit still!
We asked the ultrasound technician if she was able to wager a guess about the sex (but not to tell us if she could), and she said sometimes she can tell this early, but she couldn't with Lima Bean. Looks like we will have to wait another 8 weeks to find out!
Some photos of our sweet baby:
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Close-up of Lima Bean's head and profile. Look at that adorable nose and lips! |
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Lima Bean from head to toe. |
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This shot is showing the neck and fluid level. |
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