Life has been busy around these parts, so posting to this blog has taken a backseat. But, I am back with a Halloween recap!

Halloween 2014 will not go down as one of the best days in our household. On the Tuesday before Halloween, Mark came home early from work with strep throat. He was laid up in bed with a high fever and chills for days. Meanwhile, Natalie had gotten sick (again, thanks to germs from the pediatrician's office this time, I think). What was a cold turned into croup. Which is scary when your baby is three months old. On Wednesday night, the croup seal bark began. I worriedly called the pediatrician at 5:00 in the morning and made her an appointment for later in the day. I then spent a half hour or so in the bathroom running the shower to create steam and open up Natalie's airways. I took her to the doctor at around 10:00. After waiting for 20 minutes, I asked what was going on. I hate, hate waiting in the waiting room at the doctor. I am paranoid that we are going to leave with something worse than what we came in with. Half the time I am right. Anyway, turns out the pediatrician was running behind and wouldn't be able to see us for at least ten minutes (you think??) and I had to pick Henry up from school at 11:00. So, I ended up canceling that appointment and making another one for later in the day. The doctor seemed surprised a three month old could have croup, but she confirmed the diagnosis and prescribed a steroid that she wanted me to use only if Natalie got worse in the middle of the night. Apparently there can be bad side effects of steroid use in a baby so small. Well, night two of croup came and at around 1:00 in the morning, Natalie started having trouble breathing. She was breathing in rather than breathing out, with each breath. I took her into the bathroom and ran the shower twice. At around 3:00, it wasn't getting better, so I called the doctor. She could hear Natalie struggling on the phone and said to give the medicine and take her outside, hoping the cool air would open her airways. Neither thing worked. At that point, the doctor recommended taking Natalie to the ER to get breathing treatments. Cue my freak out! Mark was out of commission, so I ended up calling my wonderful, wonderful aunt Lois who rushed over and went to the ER with me. Natalie got a steroid through a mask (which was a pretty traumatic experience for both of us, as I had to hold her down so she wouldn't rip it off, as she screamed) and then a steroid shot in her leg. Neither the pediatrician nor the ER doctor had ever seen a three-month-old with croup before; usually babies don't get it until 6 months or older. So that was encouraging. I was on pins and needles for the next couple of days, hoping that Natalie wouldn't have more trouble breathing, but the steroids did the trick.
Anyway, long story short, Natalie did not get to wear her giraffe costume this year. I took Henry out for a half hour or so, because we had been talking up Halloween for weeks. He was a construction worker, and the costume was a big hit! He had wanted to be a garbage truck (ha!), but I wasn't sure how to pull off that one. I figured he would love dressing as a construction worker, since he can name pretty much every piece of construction equipment. Henry loved his vest, hard hat, and goggles, and still wears them frequently.
Henry loved trick or treating! His favorite part, I think, was ringing the doorbells. He was a little shy and often was silent, even though we had practiced saying trick or treat and thank you. I let him have a couple of pieces of candy that night, and two the next day. Then I put his bag away and he never asked for more. Mommy took care of the remaining candy!
Hopefully next year Natalie will get to participate in Halloween. I am already envisioning her toddling around with Henry, ringing doorbells and carrying her matching jack o lantern bag!
And, more photos of Henry, because that's what everyone really wants to see anyway.