Henry turned nine months old on March 26, 2013! How is that even possible?! He's been outside for longer than he was in.
My favorite of the jon jons I've purchased for the summer. Hoping he can wear it for at least a couple of months! |
Henry did about the same this month as far as sleeping at night. Generally, he slept from around 9:00-9:30 until 6:30 or so. Sometimes he would sleep until 7:00.
Napping improved, finally! Henry now takes an average of three naps a day. About two hours after he wakes he'll take a nap for about an hour and fifteen minutes. Then, he takes a fairly long afternoon nap, up to two hours. He'll take a quick 30-45 minute nap around 5:30 or so.
EatingHenry still eats three meals a day. He always has a yogurt in the morning, a fruit in the afternoon, and veggies at dinner. The biggest change this month is we began feeding Henry more "solid" solid food! He now eats whole peas or chunks of banana. I've also given him some bits of adult food, such as muffins, pasta, or cheese. He does very well using his pincer grasp to grab pieces of food and bring them to his mouth.
Moving and Shaking
Henry is now a speed crawler and can get across the room in no time. He sometimes does a sort of "bear crawl" which I posit is a precursor to walking. That doesn't last long, though, because he can't get around as quickly doing it! Henry also is able to climb our stairs. Generally, he stops after two or three, but once he crawled up the entire staircase (with me spotting him, of course!) Henry pulls up on anything and everything, including his dresser drawers, and he does so with much greater ease.
One cute development this months is that Henry began to dance! Mark's parents were here one weekend and his mom taught Henry how to bop around to his music table. Now he does it when you play the songs on his music table, but also when you sing to him if he's standing. He particularly likes to groove while standing on his changing table. It's absolutely adorable.
Henry also took a few steps using his walker this month. He can only walk two or three steps, but if he holds onto the walker and you pull it forward a bit, he's able to walk a couple of steps to meet up with it.
Henry loves, loves, loves playing on our bed. We do this as a bedtime treat. Henry loves to burrow into the covers or pillows. We also will gently toss him onto the bed or tickle him. I love this time because it's full of such unadulterated joy on Henry's part. He just squeals and giggles, and we can't get enough.
Other Milestones
Right before the end of the month, Henry took his first plane ride to Charlotte, NC, to attend my friend Nancy's wedding. He did great on the plane trip down because it was an early morning flight. We gave him a bottle at takeoff and he slept for the remainder of the flight. I was your standard paranoid parent and asked Mark to wipe down every surface Henry might possibly touch while on the plane! My germaphobia kicks into high gear on airplanes! On the way back, Henry did great during takeoff, but right after he finished his bottle, he must have realized his ears hurt, because he began screaming. We frantically made him another bottle (he refused to nurse, which never happens, so I knew it was bad), and as soon as we popped it in his mouth, he was asleep. The whole ordeal probably lasted two minutes but it felt like ten. Almost everyone was very courteous and did not stare, which made me feel better.
The trip was great, and we were able to see lots of friends in Charlotte. We stayed with our friends Chris, Caroline, and baby Grayson. Grayson graciously shared his crib and toys with Henry during the weekend, which was very nice of him, seeing as how Henry chews and drools on everything in sight. In fact, we had to put a crib rail guard on Grayson's crib so Henry couldn't leave teeth marks! We also met up with my former co-workers, my friend Lindsay, and then of course the wedding folks (including my Venice regazze, Nancy, Ann, and Kathryn!) It was a great weekend and very refreshing for me. I was so glad we were able to go.